㊉㊀ The Three Clock Keepers

Start from the beginning

"Ah- no, you're rather popular you see," 'Ao-chan also talked about you,' he added in thought, observing the person in front of him. "Senpai... can I ask, is you're situation similar to mine?"

Haru hummed in thought, "If you think about it... quite so. Both of us are in a contract with the school and are tasked with certain responsibilities. Though..." she trailed off, "Unlike you, I'm not exactly forced to do this."

"So you're doing this... willingly?" He asked her, not understanding why would anyone agree to be involved in these stuff.

"You could say that I guess," she shrugged. "Anyway, I haven't catch your name yet."

"Ah- right. Aoi Akane," Akane introduced himself.

Haruna paused a bit, tilting her head, "Huh. Well this is going to be a bit confusing... Did you know a fellow first-year girl's name is Akane Aoi?"

"Of course! After all she is none other than my beloved Ao-chan!" Akane claimed, suddenly having a change of demeanor.

"I see, then you're the childhood friend she mentioned," sweat dropping at his sudden behavior. 'Is this what she meant by "enthusiastic"?'

"She talked about me?!" Looking at her with gleaming eyes. Making Haru sweat drop once more.

"Just a bit..."

'Is anyone who's involved with the supernaturals of this school odd?' She wryly though.

──┅┅┄┄*ೃ:.✧✲゚*。⋆─── ⋆✩⋆

"You three make up as School Mystery No.1, and Mirai is the one who governs the future," Hanako said. "We need to stop her before she makes more damage than she's already done. You and I both want to catch her, so why don't we team up for this one?" He offered a deal to the half-supernatural.

"Fine," Akane accepted his offer, "Even though I detest murderers."

"Never thought I'll ever see you make a deal with a supernatural, Akane." A certain guardian chimed. Making them turn their heads at her.

"Haru-senpai--?!" Nene stared at the second-year, gaping at her appearance. It seems the others were just as surprised.

"Something wrong?" Haru tilted her head, then it hit her, "Ah, about this..." she tried to explain. They, specifically Nene and Kou were still gaping at her. She looked older and more mature, seemingly around her early twenties and her beauty definitely stood out more.

"Wha-How..???" Nene stuttered, too tongue-tied to say anything. 'She's so pretty! Haru-senpai is beautiful but I didn't expect this!'

 'She's so pretty! Haru-senpai is beautiful but I didn't expect this!'

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