Chapter Nine

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Being as it was I got up and headed towards the door they went into in between the bookselves. I couldn't just sit there. Curiousity always got the better of me. This may have been a bad idea but, for the moment, I didn't care. Creeping closer to the door, I tried hard to listen to what they were saying. All I got was muffles. I moved in closer and gently placed my ear against the door as so not to make noise.

"-ng! You always do this, Skully and I'm sick of it!"

"You're sick of it? May I remind you that you also left the Broarmy. What I don't understand is why you're always so ready to jump to your feet to help them when the time comes." I heard some shuffling.

"You know why I left the Broarmy. You know I didn't have a choice but right now it doesn't matter why I left or why you left or whatever your reasoning may be right now. Katelyn needs our help. She isn't from here. You know what will happen if she stays for too long." I pulled away slightly confused. What will happen if I stayed too long? I laid my ear on the door again hoping to hear about it more.

There was an aggravated sigh. "Why me? Why can't you take her?"

"I have things to do. I can't leave my work alone. Now no complaining, you may hate the Broarmy and you don't like her so much but-" The doorknob started to move. I quickly pulled away and dashed over to one of the bookshelves and grabbed the first book I saw. "-just this one time, ok?" I stood head bend down as if reading the book, which was cracked open to some random page, trying to stead my beating heart. 

"Sorry about that, Katelyn. We just needed some things to clear up," Torchy said with a smile. I gave a small smile in return. 

"Oh that's ok. I'm sure it's was important so I'm fine with it." Like not telling me that something will happen to me if I don't leave soon. Skully walked over to the couch and plopped down on it and proceeded to glare at the crackling fire. And I have to go with him? God help me please... 

"Oh I didn't know you were interested in human anatomy and physiology," Torchy said when he come over. I gave him a confused look.

"I'm sorry what?" This time Torchy looked confused.

"The book," he said confused. He pointed to it. "It's what you're reading..." A big 'O' formed on my lips. I looked down to see a rough stretch of a human without skin covering one half of the page and a few arrows point to varies places with hard to read words describing them. 

"Ahaha that's right. I did grab that. I was... I was just curious is all. You read this stuff," I asked closing the book and placing it back. Part of me immediately regretted asking because in that moment Torchy's eyes lit up. Not that I didn't care that he apparently loved it but I had a feel he was going to launch into a sequence of words I have no idea what they were and never even heard of.

"Yes, I do. In fact I taught myself how to do many procedures on the human body. Also I preformed many experiments so I know how recreate a human body and create one that's actually living and breathing."

"Wow... that's actually pretty cool."

"Don't you think," he beamed. I couldn't help but laugh at how his face looked at the moment. Torchy looked taken back. "O-oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get to excited. You must think-"

"No no," I cut him off still chuckling," It's because you're so excited that I'm laughing. I've never seen someone as hyped before by what they do. I think it's kind of cute." Torch's cheeks tinted pink. Wait... did I just say that... "A-ah I mean that's, umm, you were just so-"

"Oh for the love of god, if you're going to flirt go do it somewhere where I'm not in the room," Skully snapped in disgust. Both Torchy's and my face turned bright red.

"Skully," Torchy whined.

"W-what are you talking about," I snapped," We were just talking."

"Sure whatever you say," he said standing up. "I'm hungry if you need me, Torchy you know where to find me." With that he walked off and went through the door on the other side of the room. Once he left, an awkward silence took place. Damn Skully, why did he have to go and make things weird.

"Umm, would you like some tea?" I shook my head.

"No thanks, I'm not really a tea person." Torchy nodded his head and walked over to the table and couch. I looked back up at the books lined neatly on the shelves. I wonder how long I've been here. I felt my stomach growl a little. Speaking of food, when's the last time I ate? I looked down of my hands. Bandaged with some dirt on them. Know that I'm looking, I had dirt and blood caked onto my clothes and no doubt my skin. I can only imagine what my hair looks like to... Being in a game of life and death, you don't think about this much do you? 

"Hey Torchy, do you guys have a bathroom where I can shower and clean up?" 


I was currently sitting on the bed I slept in earlier brushing my hair. I managed to take a semi-warm bath and rinse my mouth out with water. Torchy had set some clean clothes on my bed saying they belonged to some girl named Jennifer. The shirt was dark grey with black pants. They were a little big but I was happy to finally have some clean clothes. 

There was a knock at the door. "Come in!" The door opened and Torchy walked in with a plate of food. 

"Hey, thought you would like to eat something before going to bed." Going to bed?  

"What time is it?" 

"Almost eleven o' clock at night." How long did I sleep for? 

"Ok, thanks for the food." He smiled setting the plate down on the table and then left the room. I ate what was on the plate even though half of it was unidentifiable. It was good so I guess it was fine... I questioned the grey meat the most. I guess it's time for bed? I crawled under the covers and curled into a ball. I don't know how much time passed but no matter how long I laid there I could not fall asleep. Finally after counting to the 100th sheep I give up and pushed the sheets away. I slide out of the bed and headed out the room. 

I walked slowly unsure where the others where but at this time I'm sure they're sleeping. I creaked opened the door to the lounge area. The fire was put out but Skully was still in there. I watched him closely. He was rummaging through some bag before closing it and hanging it over his shoulder. He picked up the lantern with him and heading off towards the door. Once he closed it, I stepped out. Where was he going? I started walking towards the door when I heard something to my right. The door they were in earlier... Light was shining through the crack under the door. Strange noises came from inside. 

What was going on in there? I looked towards the door were Skully disappeared to the door with the light. Concerned I...


So that took forever for me to update. Lovely right? Always I won't keep you for long but you know what time it is~ Decision time! 

So should she:

1. Follow Skully. What could he possible be doing at a time like this?


2. Check the room with the noises. Is that Torchy in there? What on earth is happening in there?

Oh I should tell you, each route reveals a little secret of theirs. So which one do you want to learn of? Choose carefully~ So until then PEACE!

~ Holo

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2015 ⏰

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