Chapter 19: Dodge Builds be Like

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"Alright. I'm still not getting the part where I come in."

"Recently, these delinquents started strong-arming the sports clubs out of the gym building so they can use it as a hangout spot. These clubs have nowhere to practice, so they have come to complain to us."

"Ugh! Those delinquents are the worst! They refuse to listen to reason." Saji complained.

"As Genshirou-san just said, we tried taking them out, to no avail. We have our hands tied here. We need to keep up appearances, so we can't exactly fight them. You on the other hand, are known for picking fights with Hyoudou-san, and recently tore through the student populace. People wouldn't think twice if you picked a fight with them." Sona explained.

"I see...what incentive do I have here? Cause it's looking like you are the only one that benefits fron this."

"I expected that response. Of course we would be willing to compensate you for your troubles."

"With what?"

"Whatever you wish. To a certain degree that is."

"Can I have the gym on weekends? Helping Gasper train is one of the more entertaining things I've done, might as well teach some actual martial arts."

"That could be arranged. Thank you for your help with this."

"Yeah, sure. I'll have it dealt with in an hour." Y/N finished his tea and got up from his seat, leaving the Student Council to their business.

//Gym Building//

Y/N approached the Gym building. It didn't look heavily guarded, so he assumed the delinquents hung out in the actual gym, or in the clubrooms in the basement.

"Whelp, time to bring the noise." Y/N rose his leg.

Turns out, someone was leaning against the door and prevented the door from being knocked of it's hinges.

"Tch. You live today, but I'll be back for you." Y/N threatened the door.

Inside the actual gym, a group of fifty delinquents were scattered around, and turned to face the person who invaded their hangout.

"Oi! Who the fuck do ya think you are? Waltzin' in here like ya own the damn place!"

Y/N chuckled before pulling out his bat.

"I was looking to hit some balls today...suppose yours will have to do."

The guy chuckled. "Heh! You think you can take all of us at once?"

As he said that, the guys around him grabbed whatever weapons they had nearby or on their person. The guy himself pulled out a butterfly knife, twirling it around before pointing it at Y/N.

"This guy must have a deathwish. If that's the case...THEN COME ON AND DIE!"

Ten guys stepped up with their weapons ready.

Y/N took a few practice swings to get into the groove, before also stepping up.

A dude wielding a small pipe ran at him and attacked, only for it to get blocked. Y/N kicked him in the shin before kneeing him in the abdomen.


The Infinity Dragon Emperor (Highschool DxD x Male Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon