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Dear F:

Don't you feel like the honeymoon phase died abit too fast? Is it because we hardly see each other? We hardly call anymore? I love calls by the way. At the very first, i didn't like your voice because of your accent and so i didn't like our calls. But the more i talked to you, i realised how normal your accent sounds and now i'm in love with it.

Yup i just messaged you "can i call" but why should i have to ask? I'm going out with you right? We've known each other for a few months and i should be comfortable calling you anytime right? Maybe because you never respond to my calls or maybe whenever i asked you just didn't reply. It made me create a protective guard with you. It made me think twice about being my most vulnerable self with you.

You called me not long after i messaged. You said you had to pick up ur drunk sister from a party i said its okay. You said you will call back like you always do. Its been an hour. Still too early to assume though. I hope you're being honest, and i really hope you call me back. Because countless times you said you would call back and most of the time you never did. I lose a bit of trust every time.

I'll be sad when i wake up. I don't even know if i would get some sleep.


Dear you Part 2 Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon