Fourth day

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Hey, Clyde. How are you today? Oh, I forgot you can’t talk, principally because you are just a logbook.

Yes, the time is looong. I walk, and walk, and walk again, looking for food, but the only aliment I found was a fish. Although it is well, it is not enough to support myself.

This problem makes me exhausted. I’m tired of spending my time walking and looking for food without ever seeing the end. When will I arrive? When will everything be finished?

The more difficult part is that I feel lonely. Certainly because I am alone, yes. If you’re wondering if I already thought of touching the name of the character of this book, the answer will be: yes, I already tried to give life to the characters. The problem? When they appear in “reality”, they are like statutes, stuck with the expressions and actions which are described at the moment of the story (stuck like me in this damned book). So… the only company I have is… nobody, not even you because I can’t talk with you, you can’t answer to me as I would like. If I say “Hello!”, I can just hear the huge silence, not even the echo of my voice.

I have this impression that I will never reach the exit. Sometimes, I want to abandon and leave my body to perish. Maybe I will do that…

Note: I’m on page two hundred and nine.

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