Chae pov

After talking with them, I heard the bell rang so I went out to my class and when I was about to go out, I felt someone holding my hands. I turned around to see jimin sunbae holding my wrist. I looked at my hand then looked at him confusingly and asked,

"What happened sunbae?"

"Nothing. Meet me at the rooftop during lunch. We got some serious issues to talk. Don't forget"

After that he left my hands and went in to his class and I left from there.

At lunch

I went to the rooftop to see no one there. I am here first. I went near the railing and stared the blue sky. "Its so beautiful, but it would have been more beautiful if sunbae was with me" , I told myself but got started when I heard footsteps towards me. I turned around to see jimin sunbae. He had 2 chocolate juice with him. He handed me ine which I took and opened the cap and drank some. I stared at the sky as he spoke,

"so chae how are your studies going?"

"It's okay"

"Today Taehyung is absent"

"What happened to him" I asked in  worried.

"Nothing wrong. Attending hospital fam get together"


"You got worried about him, so yiu care about him, right?"

"N-no...why w-would i" I stuttered

"Stop chae. I saw you"

"Saw me what?"

"Saw you putting letters on taehyungs locker"

I looked at him shocked as he took a gulp from his juice. He then looked at the sky and spoke,

"I have been searching for you for a long time and atlast I caught you" and he looked at me.



"Please don't tell him"


"Taehyung sunbae "

"About what" he teased her

"About it was me who was putting the letters in his lockers"

" I won't tell, believe me"

"Thank you sunbae"

"Mm sure"

And then I heard his phone ringing. He took his phone and saw the caller ID and then smirked at me and showed me the ID.


"hello Taehyungaah, yeah ...yeah....I'm here In the rooftop, why?...what....yiu came to school....then come here....yeah...come fast...we are- I am waiting for you...ok...ok"

And then he cut the call and smirked and spoke,

"Your sunbae is here"

"I am leaving"

"Don't you dare to leave without my permission"


"No buts stay here. You don't believe me?"


"Then stay"

Then we heard footsteps and I looked at that direction to see the boy I have been crushing ever since I came to this school, KIM TAEHYUNG. Now I am in front of him. He came near us with a smile. I fell for this boxy smile. He then spoke,

"Hey Jimin, who is this?"

"This is my new friend Chae"

"Chae....familiar name"

And then his eyes went wide.

"Are you.....that"

I panicked at what he said and then ran away from there yelling,

"I have class"

No ones pov

"Is she her" taehyung asked jimin

"Yes she's your secret letter girl"

And taehyung stayed frozen as he looked at the door where earlier she ran away.

Hey guys...sorry for a late update
Pls vote
And give some love to this author nim and the book♡

Letters (BTS Taehyung ff)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum