It is said that Prince Wade and Claude established a new border on the plains of Valencia, and set out for the capital after they've completed the restoration.

Meanwhile, the veterans that have returned to their hometowns first, were busy spreading stories of the war heroes.

From the dawn war where the soldiers couldn't be identified while rolling in the mud, to the massive battle occurred that caused a landslide.

Most of the stories are bound to be exaggerated or glorified.

But when talking about the Duke, they all showed an exhausted look on their faces like saying:

'The Duke is scarier than the enemy. Should I say that his bullet seemed to never miss. He was dealing with the enemy without even blinking an eye. It
was terrifying.'

Everyone seemed reluctant to explain further details. As if they didn't even
want to think about it.

However, Lia couldn't imagine it well. Was the Duke, who was so
affectionate in front of her, really like that?

After reflecting on the soldier's conversations that she heard at the general store, she opened the car door.

Rosina was talking to Baron Teren inside, then she said with a bright face.

"Lord Kieran just arrived in the capital. Have you heard about it?"

"Brother is?"

Lia shook her head in bewilderment. Baron Teren greets her before getting out of the car.

As soon as the Baron got out, Rosina reached out and pulls Lia.

"The Marchioness has also come, and all the nobles who have returned
from their territory are coming back to Ethear."

"Why all of a sudden?"

"A military transport train departed from Del Casa a while ago. They'll be coming back. My brother and the Duke. And also, your father."

"...Did they able to rescue my father?"

"Yes. God has listened to your prayers."

Rosina looks thrilled, she draws a sign and put her hands together. She can't believe that the Marquis that had been taken as a prisoner was saved.

Rosina clapped her hand once, adding that the return was delayed.

"I should prepare a welcome party right away. Would it be better to hold a festival instead? Or should we just secretly throw a party? Lia, aren't you happy?"

Clearly, Lia was glad that the missing Marquis was safe and that the long war have won.

However, what is this frustration welling up in her? Is it because her heart is beating too fast?

Lia holds her hand tightly. Then, she closely observed her reflection in the car window that began to move.

There's just one day from Del Casa to Ethear.

"Let's go to the townhouse. I need to meet Lord Kieran."

Rosina holds Lia's hand tightly, which was tense so far. As if she knew Lia's anxiety, she smiled softly and looked straight ahead.

"Don't worry. I won't put you in trouble."


Anastasia opened her eyes, which were weakly closed.

The first to come into her sight was the elegant blue wallpaper. It was a townhouse in the capital.

Upon hearing about Marquis Gillard's return, she chose to immediately go to the capital and couldn't think of anything else as soon as she arrived at the townhouse.

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