When Will The Nighmares End?...

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"Sometimes memories can really affect you in more ways than one.. kinda makes you wonder if there will be anything to help contain the emotions that comes from the thought. But how can it happen when they're gone...and the memories arrive like a nightmare?..."

(During the events of season 3)
(Location: A apartment complex in East, Georgia of the U.S..)

It was another night in the east side of Georgia; Avery had been staying there for the past two weeks. Trying to keep herself a bit distant from the public eye due to her being imprisoned once with a encounter both her and her team had with a pro-hero. Things weren't simple enough to say since she was still a wanted person in a way due to her actions back then. But the turnout seemed to be better than it anticipated apparently, having her reputation stabilizing carefully for now....even though she was still considered as a criminal for the time being.

Avery had a hard time sleeping at the moment as times of her past flickered in her mind, being at a time before her path of villain came to light and during it. Turning a bit side to side with a bothered feeling of regret. The cause of the situation appeared to be a dream that she was having in her rest, though it didn't always turned out well almost every time. It wasn't pleasant to say the least of things on her perspective wishing that never happened...things that wasn't right and didn't deserve to occur even in the darkest situations. She mumbled something in her sleep that was sounding like if she was seeing something in front of her, being only able to watch and nothing else.

"No!...no..no no, don't leave me...LEO!!" Avery yelled out in a loud and terrified tone before waking up from her sleep, looking around frantically as she soon realized that it was only a dream. The state of her mind made it defensive with her eyes giving that scarlet glow. Breathing heavily she tried to calm herself down, taking a moment before starting to relax herself in a stable state calmly. Things felt like a thunderstorm of dark emotions; wrapping her arms around herself with a few tears going down her now emotionless face, wishing that this torture will stop when she knew that it wasn't her fault in the first place.

All she could do at the moment was let the storm pass through her head so that perhaps it would be better maybe.

The life she originally lived in before was just as good like if it was any normal kind, being with people she loved to death like friends and family even though there was a bit of 'distance' almost which was a trait passed down from her father. Things looked alright in her perspective during the years before meeting someone....someone who later on became one of the main things she treasured most and loved dearly. It felt like she finally had someone to really be herself with, going out together without a care in the world. Being like a lost brother to her despite the differences shared.

But all of that could've stayed together until that dreadful day when everyone thought it was alright casually in that one...day.

The person she cared for was Leo, being a person who had a chivalrous and daring personality when it came to terms of his interest of medieval knights and their code of chivalry before meeting Avery the first time. They were together for about five years at best since the age of eleven, being before the day of the event they experienced with his soon apparent death which in turn caused her to be half of who she was before, neither of them wanted it to happen but it just wasn't their choice to make. With these events it was difficult for her to try forgetting due to her hearing the sounds in her head, blaming herself for not doing enough to stop it, but how could she when it was at a point where death was certain to claim her as well?....

Avery wiped the tears off her face and sighed faintly after a few sniffles, remembering something Leo taught her about when it comes to losing someone.
"Peace to the fallen.. may they find the rest we could not."
She softly says, giving a minute to have some clarity. She felt a sense of hope within the sadness inside her still as she wondered if there will be someone that could help her end these dreadful feelings
"When will the nightmares end?..."
She asks herself quietly.
Avery later on decided after a few minutes to grab a drink in the kitchen, seeing if it can help her get back to sleep with her hand grabbing cup from the cupboard once she was there out of bed to get there.

Opening a bottle of soda she took out from the fridge she pours some in the glass before putting it down to take a sip with the acid bubbles going down like a sizzle. Was well aware of the choice not being best since it was something she didn't care much about as long as it kept her from taking a stronger kind of liquid. A small hum began to come out from her mouth, knowing a song that both her and her late friend/brother used to sing whenever they wanted to do something to pass the time. Helped at times till the time came to do what they had to do.

Leaning against the sink counter she lets out a small breath after taking a calm sip of the drink as she leaned her head back a little to look up for a moment. Felt like things were getting steady for now with the sound of a device beeping from somewhere in the home complex. Avery picks up the phone by her to see if it'll answer, seeing that it wasn't it with a curious look
"This better not what I think it is..at this hour?"
She says to herself putting the phone down with a heavy sigh.

Walking out of the kitchen, the red head heads over to the living room with her drink held in hand due to how she'll probably might need to get another cup soon. Her black leather jacket was thrown on the living room couch as it had something she placed having the beeping getting louder by the time she got closer to it to listen while taking another sip from her cup. Reaching out to one of the pockets with her hand free hand she goes to grab the source of the call being done, being a translucent card device with a light blinking in it for each beep as she held it calmly to look at it. Deciding to take a small gulp of her drink she lets out a small pant and gets ready to answer with her thumb pressing the button indicator.

A holographic tablet size screen forms out from the handheld device to show the person giving the call
"Sorry if I have called on a late time Ms. Rose.."
The person said through the answered transmission, knowing it couldn't be helped in certain situations.
"It's okay Will.. What's going on right now?" She replies knowing the same reason as well since she couldn't blame the old man in this sort of thing.
"...It's Issac. They found out what's going on by a ambush given in the airport terminal not too far from where you are."
He answered despite being a little hesitant at first to tell the simple side of the story.
"Ambush? He's been able to handle this sort of thing before."
She said being confused on the situation being told.

"Ms. Rose it's..THEM. He wasn't sure of their resurface after that day, but the connections done ruled on to be correct.."
Will replied, giving a serious and yet concerned look since he was obviously worried for some reason.
"...How quick can you get me over there?" She asks after shaking her head a little to steady herself inside of the surprised outcome, beginning to wonder how the people responsible managed to come back this time.
"Currently in five minutes. The Wind Claw had a recent adjustment for the systems"
He answered since it was a little obvious on the one who decided to give some assistance on the adjustment.
"This girl and her gadgets..I'll be ready by then."
She replied having a good idea on who it was, being a little glad on it since a chuckle almost escaped from her lips.

Will gave a nod to her response as the transmission soon cut off to end, having the holo screen go back in the card with Avery looking down at it since she didn't think such a day had to happen that soon till now. Her eyes had the same scarlet glow from the time she woke up. Glancing at the suitcase by her on a couch chair....Avery gave a slight glare knowing it might be time to let the Scarlet Beast once more...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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