Monstadt I: What a Lovely Day!

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     "Have a good trip, Rina!" Called out Huffman, who must've been walking by before my cart set out.

     "Thanks, Mr. Huffman!" I shouted back, skipping alongside the cart meant for the camp outside Dragonspine.

    "Um, Katharina, are you sure about that shortcut you mentioned?" Sucrose asked quietly.

     "Yeah, positive. I cleared out the hilichurls with Amber yesterday. The most we should have to fear is if any more decided to move into that spot." My arms raised into a big stretch for this fine, sunny, windy morning. But man my armor is hot....

     "Are you sure we'll be okay with just you here? Should any more ambush us?"

     "Well I did ask the adventurers guild if one of theirs' wouldn't mind joining us, once we get near Galesong it can be rough. We'll be meeting them in Springvale as a pit stop." I nudged her a little, "besides, between the two of us we can do quite a number on a small camp."

     The road to Springvale is short, we had almost gotten there by the time we finished our conversation. Despite my hydro vision, our luck was going to run dry as a desert.

     "Oh hey! You guys must be the cart that- wah!!!" I may have pushed Sucrose out of the way, but only for myself to fall victim to a battered up boy tripping and toppling me over.

     "Bennett! What have we all said about you running without being careful!" I scolded, a little painfully.

     "Oh shoot! I'm so sorry, Rina!" He helped me up and all was fine. Except now my armor was all dusty... "I heard you had a commission and decided to take it! You're one of the few knights out there willing to let me come on a trip with you, hehe."

      I sighed, simply unable to be mad at him for long. "Okay, you're forgiven. C'mon, let's get a snack and keep going. We're taking the Southeast road this time."

      "Why that way?"

      "Cause it's clear and the weather id great."

      "Well then you better be prepared for rain..."

      "Oh we'll be fine, most of these supplies are water proof."

      We continued onward, both in our trip and our conversation. We're taking over some general provisions, building material, and warmer blankets for the team up by the mountain. Sucrose is tagging along to ask Albedo a few questions regarding research, and I myself am going to be stationed there as medical staff.

     "Man you got stationed there? I hear it's really rough to be working there full time." Bennett asked.

      "Yeah.... It's what I get for waking up late..." my head sank into my shoulders, a lot.

      "What happened?"

      Sucrose answered when I wouldn't, "she was supposed to go with Grand Master Varka, but didn't make it in time for the departure."

     "How did that happen?"

     "I made the mistake of going out drinking with everyone the night before. And since I'm part of the Cavalry, Captain Keaya got to decide my punishment." My sulking continued.

     Pity was received and for the rest of the day we made great progress on the road to Dragonspine. We even made it through the shortcut at the gorge okay, but then Bennett jinxed us by mentioning that his bad luck wasn't working today.

     "Oooooo what do we have here, hehehe!" Cooed an unreasonably cute mage which just appeared overtop our cart.

   I may have acted on impulse, leaping onto the cart and summoning my halberd for a lunge at the mage. Why did it have to be a cryo one? I suck at fighting cryo....

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