
Mulai dari awal

"You looking f***ing stupid!" Aomine howled in laughter.

"SHUT UP!" growled Kagami with a flushed expression. He then directed his glare at Rio who coughed and quickly averted his eyes.

Suddenly, Izuki slapped the table.

"I've got one; I've got a friend who has got a butler whose left arm is missing – serves him right!" 



"Yes Hyuuga?"

"Shut up."


The first part of the slideshow came to an end with the group posing for a collective photo.

"Aw, you guys look cute!" Momoi said, a tinge of amusement in her tone.

"I think you look quite decent Kagami-kun," Kuroko told his partner. 

Kagami smiled with uncertainty, "That's a compliment right?"

"...Take it as you like,"


Kuroko seemed to always know which buttons to press to rouse the hotheaded teen. In fact, Kuroko could admittingly say that he found entertainment in pushing Kagami's easily pushed buttons. 

The two's conversation was interrupted when Rio announced the second part of the slideshow was going to begin.

The screen showed a group selfie with a massive wreckage behind them. In fact, the whole background seemed to be covered in flames and debris.

"Ah...crap," Yui cringed. 

"So that's what the damage looked like up close. Some nerve of you guys to pull off such a dangerous stunt," Akashi said, his eyes glancing over the responsible parties.

"What the hell happened?" almost everyone demanded. 

Riko sent an accusatory look at Kagami who flinched away but stuttered, "I-I was completely innocent in this! I wanted no part in their absurd idea!"

"What was the idea?" Himuro asked with a raised eyebrow. Everyone looked to the group who ended up having similar reactions.

Hiro coughed and looked away. Akito turned his head in another direction while Haruka directed her own eyesight to the napkins in front of her. Kagami and Yui looked at each other before deciding that silence was the best option but Rio was apparently on a whole different page from them.

He opened his mouth and happily retold the events that unfolded.

"Oh, that? Haha, Yui suggested we blow up my uncle's old car and she made a bomb using a tutorial she found online. Hahahaha!" 



Boy does this keep getting better--NOT!

Almost immediately, Yui was the target of a non-stop barrage of lectures on safety, the law, and how blowing something up was just a bad idea altogether. 

Even her brother had come out from the corner to give her a long and hard stare which told her she was in big trouble once they got home.

"That was a fun day though," Hiro had to say. The group nodded with him but everyone else gave them a heated glare.

"How reckless and stupid do you have to be to do something like that? I thought you were better than this Yui!" Even Midorima said his part.

But Takao only seemed delighted, "Man, hanging out with you guys seems fun. Invite me the next time you blow something up!"

Everyone else; "THERE IS NO NEXT TIME!"

Seeing the room heating up once more, Yui was not ready to face another round of 'education' and finally shouted, "OKAY! I get it alright? It was a bad idea and it won't happen again."

"Good," several people including her boyfriend sighed.

Yui then whispered, "Maybe..."


She laughed at Kagami's angry expression and said, "I'm joking, I'm joking. I promise - no more bombs."

"Good because I don't really want to see you in jail,"


With the room now calmed down, Rio let out a small sigh of relief and switched to the next photo.

The screen showed the group standing outside an old abandoned building that looked a little too creepy for some of their liking.

Hyuuga groaned and said, "What did you guys do now?"

"Oh this place...yeah, uh it was haunted--"


"SUPPOSEDLY! It was SUPPOSEDLY haunted," Akito emphasized on the 'supposedly'. 

"You guys..." Kasamatsu sighed. Even though he didn't know them on a personal level, he still considered himself a senior to them and wanted to reprimand them for their reckless behavior.

"Ah yes. The other law you broke - trespassing on private property," Akashi crossed his legs and rested his chin on his clasped knuckles.


The girl froze when she heard Murasakibara call her full name. She shrunk back into Kagami's chest seeing his glare. He was definitely pissed this time.

"When we get home, you're banned from leaving the house for two weeks," he said to her.

Yui shot forward with despair, "What? You can't do that!"

"Would you rather I tell mom?"

Yui paused and gulped. Yeah, no. Being grounded by her brother was a lot better than her mother finding out.

"House arrest it is," she sighed.

The GOM gave her looks of pity. Indeed, their purple-haired friend had his parental side as well.

Kagami wanted to say something but knew he'd probably be attacked by the Yosen player again. Besides, part of him was glad Yui was put on house arrest for two weeks. At least he won't have to worry about her getting up to some mischief.


"Looks like I won't see you for some time," Yui pouted. "Don't cheat on me while I'm not with you."

It was a joke. The only thing Kagami would cheat on Yui with would be basketball.

He knocked her head, "Stop saying dumb things, idiot."

"What boyfriend calls his girlfriend an idiot?!" she raged. "Besides, you're more stupid than I am!"


The couple's quarrel went ignored by the crowd as they purposefully focused their attention on the projection.

➪ Rᴇɪɴᴄᴀʀɴᴀᴛᴇᴅ ɪɴ KNB ✔︎Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang