I Missed You.

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"You really are Sabito, aren't you?"

~~~~~~~~Sabito POV~~~~~~~~

What? He only realized this now? Sabito internally sighed, Despite all of Giyu's brains, it seems that he had only fully grasped this concept now.

Sadly, he had his katana confiscated and his hands were held in a vice-like grip behind his back.

"But since you know this, shouldn't you be treating me better?" He teased.

Giyu's stare did not relent. Sabito outwardly sighed this time. 

"Giyu, I know you're not as thick as you are pretending to be. Please talk to me."

Sabito could feel more than see Giyu's gaze soften for a second, before being hardened into the face of a trained and disciplined Hashira.

"Then tell me how you're alive." With that, Giyu shoved Sabito onto the ground. Sabito let out a breathless gasp of surprise; he didn't expect the push, and somehow Giyu had tied his hands behind his back.

scrambling to regain his balance, he shoved his arms underneath himself and flipped himself over so that he was facing Giyu. 

Tomioka had a steely look in his eye and his sword was pointed under Sabito's chin. 

"Giyu, I know that you liked me as kids, but really? Right now?" Sabito said as a bitter jab. He expected Giyu to ignore him, and persist the question.

What he didn't expect was for him to nearly drop his sword and blush.

Oh, I can definitely use this, Sabito thinks, smirking. Instead of backing away from the sword tip, he leans forward, now kneeling, and a rogue-ish smirk on his face. Giyu had mostly regained his footing, but sabito was sure he could get Giyu to act as he used to, smiling, laughing, not afraid to show his feelings. (Call him nostalgic. He missed his friend.)

"Yuu," He purred. "Won't you let me go? I missed you. Didn't you miss me?" He pouted up at the ravenette.

Giyu didn't lose his hold this time, but he was blushing so hard Sabito thought he had a fever.

he sighed, sheathing his sword and covering his mouth with the back of his hand, and looked anywhere but Sabito.

"Unprofessional... so unprofessional..."

Sabito almost laughed at that.

"Are you going o help me up?" He asked playfully.

"After you answer my question." The eyes that were burning into his skull were back again.

Sabito huffed a breath. "It seemed like it died, but he only got a bit of my head, and didn't even crush it properly because of the mask. I healed, trained under a different sensei, and became a slayer."

"Then why aren't you of a higher rank?"

"I am of a high rank, thank you very much," Sabito said indignantly. "Now help me up."

With a scoff, Giyu had dragged Sabito back onto his feet, cutting the rope binding his wrists in the same movement. 

Sabito breathed a sigh of relief as he rubbed his wrists.

"We are going to be heading back now. I hope you can keep up."

Before he could leave, a hand tugged on the sleeve of his haori, pulling him into Sabitos arms.

"I'm glad your alive, I really did miss you."

He murmured into the ravenettes hair.

Giyu pulled away before long, but before leaping into the treetops, Sabito could hear a soft

"I missed you too."

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