nodding my head slowly as I chuckle softly to myself. I choose not to even engage in this conversation anymore. I pull out my phone, as i make my way upstairs, almost sprinting.

I run into my room, slamming and locking the door as I grab a bag, stuffing as many clothes as it could fit while simultaneously listening to the phone ring in my ear.

Soon enough, I hear Ally's soft voice on the other side. She sounds like she was sleeping, I really hate to bother people when they're sleep.

"hello?" she answers groggily,

"I-" I start but soon cutting myself off, unsure of the words I need to use and what exactly I need in this moment. Ally speaks again, interrupting my thoughts.

"Nova?" she says, this time she sounds more alert, and a little confused. Probably from the fact that i'm just breathing heavily into her phone, like the beginning of a serial killer movie.

I gather my words and begin to speak.

"she kicked me out Al" I mumble into the phone, hoping that she would understand what I just said so I didn't have to repeat it.

"she fucking kicked you out bro?" she exclaims through the phone. I hear instant shuffling through the phone. doors closing, keys jingling, talking in the background. I don't even respond. I just sit on the phone in silence, unsure of what to say. The way Ally was alert when I told her, kind of felt like she knew it would come eventually, and she was somewhat expecting it. I don't let it ponder too long in my mind as I know that'll turn into something sinister.

"i'm on my way." Ally finishes, before hanging up the phone.

I get up from the bed, wiping the tears that I didn't even realize were falling. I continue stuffing my belongings into multiple bags. Once I'm done, I do a once over of my room. Everything still looks the same but the inside of my drawers are empty. I let out a deep breath before closing the door and making my way downstairs.

I decide to sit on the porch and wait for Ally. I sit my belongings down next to me and stare at the sky.

I never really got to process the things that Jahseh had said to me earlier. Maybe I'm naive, but I don't think he actually meant what he said. He was avoiding eye contact, like he didn't really want to look at me when he said what he had to say. Although I haven't known him long, I can feel when he's been sincere and that wasn't what I felt in that moment. What I don't know is why he would say that. I shake the thoughts out of my head, not wanting to think about him, that situation or this situation any longer.

As soon as I do that, I see headlights shining towards me, coming from the all black Mercedes truck, pulling into the driveway. The window rolls down and Ally is sitting in the driver's seat. I get up making my way to the trunk of the car, knocking on the back, signaling her to open it up. As soon as she does, I put my things in the trunk, closing it and sliding into the front seat.

"this is newww" I say, feeling on the dashboard of the car,

"yeah, J got it for me" she smirks, backing out of the driveway

"I'm just trying to get like you for sure"

she laughs before replying,

"you'll get there"

I'm silent for a while. I'm so used to just bottling up my emotions, I didn't have anyone to talk to, especially my age, who might've been through it before, or can help me through the situation but now I have someone. so I shouldn't have to just deal with it.

"Jahseh told me that he'll never want to be with me." I blurt out, most likely catching her off guard.

"he did not."

the devil in miami • xxxtentacionWhere stories live. Discover now