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Summary: Thor had put his trust into his brother Loki to help him and Banner escape Sakaar. Although, he finds out that he shouldn't have as once again he is betrayed, but tries to escape without him anyway. Only during the escape he finds his brother on the lap of his captor.

"We are not doing get help." Loki said seriously.

Unfortunately for Loki he decided to go along with this part of his brother's plan. Allowing Thor to hold him up as if he was dying from serious injuries, right before the lift arrived on the floor they needed to be on. Loki could already feel the humiliation creeping up on him. Once the doors were open however there were three armed guards just ahead.

"Get help! Please, my brother is dying! Get help!" Thor cried, as the armed guard approached. But they didn't have time to act, as Thor picked up Loki with ease and chucked him at the armed guards, as if he weighed nothing. Some shots were fired in the process of Loki smashing into them and knocking them to the ground.

"Classic" Thor chuckled, as Loki hopped back up onto his feet unharmed.

"I still hate it. It's humiliating." Loki said a little breathless, as he sorted himself out.

"Not for me it isn't," Thor grinned as he joined his brother once more.

Loki then guided his brother to the exterior controls to the ship, where he was meant to ensure all security codes and defenses were down before anyone boarded, just like he'd been shown by the Grandmaster after gaining his trust and friendship. Instead Loki had other plans and slammed his fist onto the alarm button and smirked at Thor. He had yet again betrayed his brother.

Thor quickly acted and threw an obedience disc at Loki. Unfortunately it went straight through Loki and landed with a small metal thud onto the steel flooring on the other side of him. Loki chuckled darkly before he dissolved away in a green shimmer. Everything up until now had been a lie, a trick to get Thor to believe he could trust his little brother.

"Loki, you sneaky little snake!" Thor growled with exasperation once the illusion of Loki was gone.

Thor couldn't stand around for much longer, he had to keep moving. As he approached the controls he realised that actually the ship's security and defenses had already been taken down. He frowned with confusion and was brought out of his thoughts when armed guards showed up. At the moment there were only two of them and clearly no match for Thor's natural strength. He took them out rather quickly and then returned to the controls to open the ship's doors. Once the doors opened and Thor barged his way on board he suddenly came to a halt.

"Surprise!!" Loki greeted Thor.

Thor had to rub his eyes and check what he was witnessing. Loki was sitting on the Grandmaster's lap while facing Thor. His lips curved up into a slight smirk as he saw Thor stare in disbelief. After all Thor was staring at his brother wearing a leather body harness, as he sat on the lap of his captor. The harness was complete with a codpiece and chains around his chest, which connected to a tight leather collar. While the Grandmaster was only wearing his golden gown and holding onto Loki's hips firmly.

"Did you really think you and Banner would escape?" Loki hissed his last word, as Grandmaster rolled his hips against Loki's.

Thor didn't have the chance to form a sentence before he was forcefully grabbed by several guards, and an obedience disc was slapped back onto his neck. It pinched his skin as it latched on. It buzzed and shocked Thor as he was removed from sight.

"Sparkles was nicely handled." Grandmaster said before he moved his head closer to Loki's. "I love the way you are so dominating, but still willing to dress up for me." He whispered into Loki's ear, while he stroked Loki's soft black hair.

Loki giggled in response and turned his head so he could capture Grandmaster's lips with his own. As Loki deepened the kiss Grandmaster removed one of his hands from Loki's hips, and fiddled with the control panel behind him. He pressed a few until he pressed the right ones. The ship began to move on autopilot and made them feel the engine's vibrations. Once they were up in the Sakaaran sky, and away from the holding area fireworks began to go off, while 'It's me birthday' music which the Grandmaster composed himself boomed. Even though it was neither of their birthdays, it was just what was programmed to go off with the fireworks. The fireworks caused Loki to pull away from the Grandmaster and look up to the beautiful lights. The lights danced across the sky in all sorts of vibrant colours, and the Grandmaster enjoyed watching Loki watch them in awh.

Tom Hiddleston one shot/drabble collectionWhere stories live. Discover now