A little surprise never hurt nobody, right?


The drive is just as boring as I knew it'd be, cars upon cars trying to worm their way back into London just like me. Poundshop Kardashians by Sam Fender plays quite loudly to drown out any of the silence in the small space, my finger drumming along to the beat as I keep my focus on the road ahead.

My mind conjures up the perfect idea to surprise everybody, my plan of action piecing itself together the closer I get back home.

1. Find a way to get into cal and harrys.
2. Scare the living shit out of them.

Thankfully, Talia had told me she was heading over to theirs with simon and JJ. Meaning I have my perfect way in. Using Talia as a pawn in my game.

Knowing I'm gonna have to figure it out more in depth, as if this is some sort of top secret mission, I take a quick detour to one of the service stops. It isn't busy at all, giving me enough time to get some food and text the brown haired girl with everything we've got to do.

「 ★ 」

tal 💃🕺
we're all just sitting in the living room the now anyways

ill be there soon, make up an excuse so u can buzz me in

excited to see u

cant say the same for me

stfu and hurry up

will do 😐


By the time I arrived outside the flat, the sun had already started to set. I send Talia confirmation that I'm finally here, waiting outside for the approval into the building to be granted.

Standing out in the cold November air, I hold onto myself tightly to trap any heat from escaping. It's fucking freezing, and the longer I wait out here, the more my ears start to burn from the chill.

Finally, the piercing beep of the buzzer goes off, my hands automatically finding their way to push the door open. Wasting no time, I swiftly make it up the million flights of stairs, being far too scared to use the lift. Genuinely my biggest fear.

The familiar door comes into view, and I slow down to regain my breath and composure. Tiptoeing my way there, as if they can hear me from inside, Im soon stood directly infront of it. Here goes nothing.

Trying to open it quietly to avoid any suspicion, I sneak my way in through the gap, closing it right behind me. The sound of them all shouting further in the house makes me smile, knowing the haven't heard me come in. Talia isn't around anywhere, leaving the rest of this now up to me.

Going with a straightforward approach, I take off my jacket and shoes, leaving everything sitting at the front of the flat. Sighing loudly, I stroll my way into the room, hiding my smile as they all look up at me. JJs eyes widen as he looks between me and the other boys, wanting confirmation that I'm actually here or not. Talia is sat curled into herself, the light of her phone covering the obvious smile on her lips.

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