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Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair. Well, in the Grimm version, she does, a little too often, to a prince, and winds up pregnant, innocently remarking to her jailer witch that her clothes feel too tight. The witch, not to have any competition, chops off Rapunzel's hair and magically transports her far away, where she lives as a beggar with no money, no home, and after a few months, two hungry mouths to feed. As for the prince, the witch lures him up and then pushes him from the window. Some thorn bushes break his fall, but also poke out his eyes. For all this extra bloodshed, however, there's still a happy ending.

So the prince goes blind and wanders around for months until he eventually hears Rapunzel's voice. Rapunzel, poor and a mother of twins, cries when she sees him, which somehow cures his blindness. So that makes everything okay, right?

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