Chapter 7. Relationship

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"How did you and Josie meet?" Asked Annabelle.

"Well one day I was out on my boat with my dad on our boat and I found her stuck on an island so I begged and begged and begged my dad to get her. Eventually he said "FINE." I was so so happy I lifted her up into my arms and we took her home. The reaction my mum had on her face of how cute she was I knew she was bound to say yes." Said Poppy.

"Wow! She must have had been waiting out there in the cold for ages!" Said Annabelle.

"Yes she was, Mum decided a big fat yes. Dad was a little upset about this but he was fine." Explained Poppy

"How long have you had Josie for?" Said Annabelle

"About 1 year." Said Poppy

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