Chapter Eighteen - The Kidnapping

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Whilst Ahsoka and the 332nd legion was dealing with the situation on Mandalore, Anakin and Obi Wan arrived at the jedi temple on Coruscant. But when they arrived the temple was already overrun by droids, but it looked to them that it was a distraction. "The temple isn't their target" Obi Wan stated. 

Anakin looked around then looked at his master. "The Chancellor" Anakin said. With this information they landed their ship at the temple then ran through the city, cutting through the battle droid army as they went. 

They arrived at the senate building not long after. They arrived in time to see Chancellor Palpatine getting dragged onto a Separatist star ship by Count Dooku and a dozen battle droids and Dooku's personal Magna Guards. 

"DOOKU! STOP!" Anakin yelled, charging forward, jumping over all the droids and takes a swing at Dooku, who blocked the attack and struck him with Force Lightning, sending Anakin flying backwards. "Still got much to learn, Skywalker" Dooku taunted as the ships ramp raised and the ship flew into space, orbiting the planet. 

Obi Wan ran over to Anakin. "ANAKIN!" He yelled and knelled at his side. "I'm Okay, Obi Wan, let's get back to the ship and save the chancellor" He said and got up to his feet, but before they could move anywhere they were surrounded by Battle droids. 

"Surrender Jedi Scum" Said the commando droid. All droid blasters were aimed at them. "Better idea" Anakin stated and the two jedi ignited their lightsabers, at this move the droids opened fire at the two of them. 

"There's too many" Obi Wan stated as they were blocking every blast but more blasts were replacing them. The jedi charged forward and instead of blocking the blasts they were now deflecting them back at the droids, once they were in swinging distance they swung and slashed at the droids with their lightsabers, cutting the droids down into scarp metal. 

The jedi were then reinforced by a battalion of Coruscant guards and clones who shot down the remaining droids. "Right on time troopers, thank you" Anakin said. 

The two jedi then ran down the street to their ship but before they could board "Master Kenobi, Skywalker, we need help" Came Master Windu's voice. "Master, the chancellor's been taken by Dooku" Anakin replied. "The Chancellor can wait, their ship is engaged in combat with our blockade" Windu responded. "We're on our way Master" Obi Wan replied.

The jedi made their way through several hundred more battle droids, into the jedi temple then down the corridors into the jedi council chambers where the jedi council members were huddled together guarding the jedi younglings. 

"Well i see why it was so urgent Masters" Anakin said looking down at the younglings. "We cut down most of been 200 droids but they keep coming" Obi Wan told the jedi masters of the council. "Destroyed the droids must be, if to save the chancellor we will" Yoda said. "I agree. Master Mundi and Shaak Ti, stay with the younglings the rest of us will go out and take a corridor and wing of the temple, stay together groups of 2 jedi. Master Kenobi and Skywalker take the east. Master Kit Fisto and Koth take the west, Master Plo Koon and Gullia go to the south, Me and Yoda will take the north" Windu told the others. 

And so the groups of jedi went their separate directions and cut down battalions of battle droids. 

Then they regrouped at the entrance to the temple. 

"Kenobi and Skywalker, save the Chancellor you must. Capture Dooku alive if possible" Yoda told them. "Right away master" Anakin and Obi Wan replied and they ran of to their ships and flew into outer space and docked with Admiral Yularen's cruiser. The Jedi Cruiser Resolute. 


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