Red cat wonderland chapter 1

322 10 14

(Slight nsfw warning/graphic content/Lots and lots of swearing)
Character list: Jotaro kujo, Noriaki Kakyoin, Holly kujo

Jotaro was at school sitting in the middle of his Geography class with his legs perched upon the table directly in front of him, he was leaning back on his chair with a menacing posture which radiated so much unnerving energy that it would send a chill down anyones spine who dared to look at him. Jojo was seen as the delinquent of the school who everyone had some sort of grudge against, teachers, students. Even just locals were afraid of him, he was never hesitant when it came to picking a fight despite the fact he had a caring mother. No one really knows what turned him like this, leaving some to suspect it might of been because he was lacking a father figure. No upper authority to put him in his place when he misbehaved. "Tsk-" He scoffed in disgust at the thought of other people looking at him in a demeaning way, and slipped a cigarette out from within his coat pocket.

Sneakily the boy would light the end of the cigarette under his desk before shoving it in between his teeth, inhaling a big puff of smoke to help calm his nerves. Of course, the smell of nicotine caught some of the students attention and a little brat in one of the front rows couldn't keep his mouth shut, resulting in him ratting Jotaro out. (The teachers pet no doubt) "Dammit, that brat..." He uttered quietly in a growly voice and stood up from his seat, putting out the cigarette he had squished between his middle and index finger by drilling it into his desk. Leading him to storm out of the classroom with his hands tucked deep within his pockets, refusing to look at anyone in the class who bickered and laughed at him as he made his way out of the classroom door. Normally Jotaro would stand his ground and threaten any teacher that tried telling him off, but because he was threatened to be suspended from school. He didn't wanna disappoint his mother, especially since this was his last warning "Well this fucking doubt I'm gonna get sent to detention again for this, it's infuriating. I swear, the next time I see that kid I'm gonna take my damn cigarette and shove it right between his eyes!" He huffed with a furious look upon his face, beginning to make his way down the corridor to some what relieve some of his temper. Glaring in a displeased manner at anyone that came his way.

(Outside of the school)

Kakyoin had a late night with not much sleep so he accidentally slept in. This wasn't like Kakyoin at all, but he was a new transfer student and all the moving simply tuckered Nori out leaving him to forget to put his alarm on the previous night. "Shit!" The redhead started running his fingers through his cherry red hair that shined a softer red with more pink strands in the sunlight "Ah- what?...maybe upstairs?" The boy glanced down at his phone, trying to find his class with the map he took a screenshot of to help him find where he was going. Whilst his attention was focused on the screen, he stumbled back. luckily, just before he made contact with the tall delinquent and lifted his head up to meet with his pretty ocean blue eyes with his own. Freezing up in place at the mere sight of him, feeling so small as the others body towered in front of him. "Ngh- huh?" He stuttered sheepishly hiding his face from Jotaro , unknowingly unaware of how dangerous the delinquent teen in front of him truly was. Thinking he was just a normal kid

"Oh I'm sorry. I'm trying to find my class right now, can you help me? I think it was...Geography?" Noriaki looked back up and stared at the strange edgy teenager once more, taking a moment to notice that the others hair blended into his hat. He then focused back on those light blue eyes of his, seeing how they didn't match with the dark outfit. Suddenly he snapped out of his trance as he knew it was rude to stare and lifted his phone up to show the other, it seemed Kakyoin was looking for the same class that Jotaro was in.

Jotaro was caught off guard as some red haired kid which he had never seen before almost walked straight into him "Watch it!" He yelled and gave a stern glare down towards him with his cold eerie expression "Gimme a break with this shit..." He grumbled and pushed the boy along in the right direction in a rather apathetic way "Along the corridor, then turn right. It's not hard to miss..." Then stopped instantly and shifted his body back around to walk over to the exit sign of the building, waiting patiently for the clock on the wall to strike 12. That's usually when the teachers little snot nosed brat roamed the halls doing class room monitoring duties, making sure nobody was outside of class when they weren't supposed to be. Typically singling out delinquents like himself who didn't follow the rules and behaved properly. This gave him an idea and turned to go into the restroom instead, leaning his body up against the wall just slightly outside and hid behind a wall. Waiting for his prey like a hungry carnivore who hadn't eaten in weeks, his eyes lit up with pure bloodlust as the faint footsteps grew louder and louder.

Red cat wonderland (Jotaro x Kakyoin) fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now