"Please do not mention the hair cut." Vivienne said almost rolling her eyes with a crack of laughter hidden. "He seems to be ultra sensitive to that matter of subject."

"Of course." Georgia said naturally but Viv could see in her countenance that she possibly wanted to discuss more pressing matters. "Viv, there is-..."

"Shall I ring for tea and a nursery maid? Luella would you like to go play with Issac outdoors?"

"Yes, Lady Hackett." Lue Lue said flashing her a darling missing tooth smile once more. Which Viv returned in kind as she stepped over to pull the bell. Seconds later a maid was in to serve them tea and a nursery maid was already escorting Luella and a still upset Isaac to the grounds where they would play where he would forget all that he was even upset about.  Not Georgia, no amount of playing can undo her memory from the things she'd soon like to forget. If only it were that simple as being a child again.

"Gi, sit please. Whatever is the matter?" Vivienne said as she herself sat and began to pour some tea with milk and sugar. Georgia finally sighed taking her seat across from her friend. "Oh, dear what is it?" Vivienne said not missing another beat as usual. "Come on you stubborn mule. If you will not say I will have to pry it out of you. Now, do you want me to do that?"

"There will be no need." Georgia sighed again. Finally when she began to open her mouth Vivienne cut her right off seeing completely through her. As if she were crystal glass.

"What did you do!?" Viv exclaimed excitedly. Georgia's cheeks burned the color scarlet with ferocity. She hadn't even thought she would discuss any information that happened the very night before pertaining to the Duke but all she knew was that strings in her heart were being pulled like never before and she didn't want it to stop. She wondered had Vivienne had a similar experience with her husband, Lord Hackett. She bit her lip stubbornly holding her tea cup with two fingers. "Gi, this is truly torture. I must know."

"Francis and I...well, we um...uh..." Georgia started but was cut off again by another one of Vivienne's outbursts. For a lady of genteel birth she was quite boisterous.

"You've done it!?" Vivienne nearly shouted with damnation.

"Quiet! do you wish for your entire staff to know who's bed I'm climbing in and out of?" Georgia said whispering that last part through clenched teeth which caused Vivienne to giggle.

"Sorry." Viv had admitted honestly, it wasn't in her intentions to possibly ruin her bestest friend. "So what now?"

"I don't know." Georgia told her glancing out the windows. "I-I'm not sure what it even was that I have experienced, Viv."

"Was it invigorating?"

Georgia blushed at the memory. "Yes."

"Did he... do lots of wicked things to you Georgia?" Viv asked with keen interest.

"Yes." Georgia said without hesitation and shyly looked back to the window. She should feel completely ashamed. Instead she felt alive. More than ever and wanted nothing more than to feel her blood coiling through her veins as she sang out sweet praises of his pleasure.

"What about with his mouth, did he-...?" Vivienne's started to ask but was cut of with Georgia's quick and shy answers.

"Yes. Yes. Yes. Viv, all the above. We were passionate and kissing, and he touched me in ways that I have never been touched." Georgia sounded like she almost couldn't believe it all herself. Probably because she actually couldn't. Somewhere in her brain she was still processing the fact that for five years she didn't know thar men actually looked like that, and gave pleasure like lustful beasts.

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