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Choi Jung Soo is Kim Rok Soo's friend.

Well, he can confidently say that they're brothers. Who cares if they're not blood related, Rok Soo's still his brother.

He'll punch anyone who says otherwise.


Choi Jung Soo was worried.

He woke up in the ungodly hour of 3 am, and he had planned to sleep again when he heard faint sobs from next to him.

His eyes widened as his head snapped to his roommate's general direction.

Rok Soo was whimpering like he was having a terrible nightmare. The scene alone made his heart clench.

He reached out, but stopped midway.

'W-what do I do...'

He couldn't bring himself to wake the other up, as he heard somewhere that nightmares are actually good for mental health.

It was said it helped people come into terms with their troubles. The brunet's face contorted in worry, his thoughts in shambles.


He watched as Rok Soo woke up with a jolt, terror visible in his eyes.

Jung Soo flinched and turned around immediately, the blanket hastily yanked towards himself.


He had a feeling Rok Soo wouldn't appreciate being seen like that, so he promptly pretended to be asleep.


He snored for extra effect, his impeccable acting skills now reaching another level.

'Rok Soo is fooled, for sure. Hehe'

Inwardly giggling to himself, he paid utmost attention to the sounds the younger male was making.

He heard a sigh, and then the blanket rustling.

After that; silence, with only their breaths audible within the room. He thought that the other was sleeping, and so he turned around without much thought.

The result? Choi Jung Soo's heart nearly jumped out of his throat.

'Holy shit!'

He almost got caught.

'What was that???'

Why was his dongsaeng suddenly awake? He was supposed to be sleeping right? Right??

-Badump bad-dump

'The hell-'

Rok Soo was sitting there with his standard resting bitch face, and if he did not see his blank eyes, he would have shrieked for real.

Despite his stoic face, he could see the other's reddish-brown orbs shaking. 

'Rok Soo-yah...'

Despite wanting to just jump at the younger male with a 'booyah! spill yer thoughts ye mule!', he kept quiet, not wanting to give Rok Soo a heart attack.

He also didn't want to get slapped into tomorrow.

Choi Jung Soo watched while the sun gradually doused their room with yellow rays as the hour hand of the clock ticked by.

Worry bubbled in his stomach when Rok Soo began to move in a daze, eyes blank and hazy.

The brunet followed him around the house, not so different from how a puppy would stick their owners.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2022 ⏰

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