Part 9

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Mias POV:
Rue grabbed me and pulled me away, smacking me lightly on the side of the head.

'Bro?' She asked, watching me in disbelief.

My heart began to race as Fez said a few final words to the girl he was talking to and He then made his way towards me.

'Fuck, you do kiss good.' Chris teased, coming towards me for a second one.

Fez punched him, sending him stumbling backwards, and then grabbed my arm.

'What the fuck man?' He shouted, punching the wall right besides my head.

'Who's that girl?' I asked, raising my eyebrows at him.

'Bro come on don't play with me like this.' He replied, turning to look behind him.

I tried to move but he blocked me, putting both of his arms on either side of me, against the wall.

'Who is she?' I asked again.

'She's my ex. We broke up a few years ago and it didn't end too good and I was just saying hi, it's okay.' He shrugged.

'Saying hi? With your arm around her?' I laughed.

'Mia, you're mine. You're the one that I want. Ok?' He assured me, putting his hand under my chin.

I shook my head slowly, refusing to look him dead in the eye.

'I don't trust you.' I whispered.

'Mia you're high, go home.' He pleaded.

'I was having a nice time until I saw you with her. Rue said she didn't know who she was.
How doesn't Rue know her?' I asked suspiciously. 

'It was a long time ago, I kept it quiet.' He said again.

'Okay well I'm going home.' I shrugged, trying to hide how sad I really was.

'I'll be there soon.' He whispered.

I nodded, squeezing his hand and walking away. I had no intention of going home.

'Rue, come with me.' I whispered, taking her hand and dragging her over to where Nate's family were.

'Where's your boyfriend? Is he going to beat the shit out of me again?' Nate asked bitterly.

'Nate I'm so sorry I didn't know he was following us.' I said, stunned he was taking it out on me.

'I know.' He whispered.

'Forgiven?' I asked.

'Sit, have some chilli.' He said, holding a pot out to me.

'I uh, Jules is calling me over I'll be back in a minute.' Rue stuttered, running towards her friend who was stood inbetween two stalls.

'Weird.' I shrugged.

Nate suddenly looked uneasy and I almost opened my mouth to ask him about Maddy, but I remembered what he did to her. 

'Nate your dads acting kinda weird is he ok?' I whispered, watching as his dad weirdly watched Jules and Rue.

Nate didn't reply either, as he too was watching Jules, contently.

'You fancy her don't you?' I teased.

'No. Piss off.' He replied, defensively.

I shrugged, looking back towards Fez. His eyes met mine and I ducked, hiding behind the table.

'Now you're the one acting weird.' Nate said, pulling a face at me.

'Is Fez coming over?' I asked.

'No the little one is though.' He replied.

Ashtray poked his head over the table and looked down at me, smiling devilishly.

'Fuck off ashtray.'

'You said you were going home. Why aren't you?' He asked me.

'Because I'm bored of Fezco lying to me all the time. Stood there with his arms over his ex girlfriend and then telling me he likes me but wanted to speak to her for a little?' I said, trying to make it make sense but confusing everyone else more.

'Wait? What?' Nate asked me.

'He had to talk to her, her dads sending us lots and lots of supplies soon so he's got to pretend to like her. He didn't want to worry you.' Ashtray added, ignoring Nate completely.

'Don't lie to me.'

'Have I ever lied to you?' He asked.

I sighed and closed my eyes, almost forgetting he was still looking at me.

'Come on we're all going home.' Ash said, grabbing my hand. I looked at Nate and he nodded.

'Ash, just give me one second?' I asked.

'I don't trust this slimy motherfucker.' He said bitterly.

I raised my eyebrows and he took a few steps back, still watching us. Fez was too, and I thought Nate being aware of his audience would make him less likely to hurt me.

'I know about you and Mads and I just wanted to ask what happened.' I whispered so nobody else could hear.

His entire body tensed up and his hand reached for my throat too.

'If you speak a word of that to anyone.' He spat, pushing me against the wall.

'What did I tell you? If you touch her again..'
Fez shouted, running towards us and making a gap between me and Nate.

Nate stepped away and looked at me in disgust before turning back to his family.

'Are you okay?' Ashtray asked me, throwing a rock at Nate's head, laughing as he ducked out of the way.

'Yes, come on Ash home now.' I sighed, dragging him away.

'Where's Rue?' I asked Fez.

'She's going home for a few days her mums worried. Just us three.' He smiled.

I took a deep sigh and decided to ignore how I felt about his ex girlfriend, taking his hand and letting him wrap his arms around me.

'From now on, it's us against the problem ok?' Fez asked me seriously.

'Ok.' I whispered.

'I can't lose you. It'll break me.' He said sadly, lifting me up and putting me into the front seat of the car, kissing my head and then my lips.

'Back to mine?' I asked.

'Fezco drop me off home I've got some shit I need to do.' Ashtray insisted.

'If you're sure ash?' He replied, concerned.

'I'm sure, come get me in the morning though.' He smiled.

'Okay.' Fez said excitedly, gripping my leg hard. We said goodbye to ash and Fez waited for him to go inside, before turning to me and moving his hand even higher up my thigh.

'You know what this means.' He whispered, kissing me hard.

'Mhm.' I smiled, pulling him closer.

'Come on baby let's get home before I Fuck you.' He groaned, readjusting himself.

I breathed out heavily, not prepared for what he was about to do to me.

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