Part 4

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They said pictures could explain a thousand words..

I guess the sex crazed hair, obviously slept on duvet, and the filthy aroma of sex cascading in the room perfectly explains the representation of that saying..

" I can explain, love." Niall said.

I was contemplating whether or not I wanted to hear "his side of the story." But honestly, did I really need it? The sheets explained so themselves.

"Niall, please not today."
I managed to murmur.

At this point I was just physically and emotionally drained... It was like the life was being sucked out of me..

"y/n, if you would just let me explain!"

"EXPLAIN WHAT?! EXPLAIN how I was so worried something happened to you because said fiancée wouldn't answer his cellphone, not to mention nearly giving the boys a heart attack! Zayn had fled all the way from Italy with Perrie just to attended our so called matrimony, and Lord knows he's been going through a lot!
EXPLAIN how I spent not one but two freaking hours waiting at the church WE were supposed to get married in, relentlessly waiting for you and didn't even bother to show up? EXPLAIN how my so called fiancée is sleeping with a woman on the day of our said wedding?! PLEASE EXPLAIN NIALL BECAUSE IM JUST SO DYING TO FUCKING KNOW!!"

I screamed to my heart's content. I am not a woman who usually raises her voice but I think I earned the right the second I saw that unfaithful bastard laid down on our bed with that insolent girl.

"Princess please!"

Niall said as he grabbed a hold of my wrist as I flinched from the feeling.

"Let go of me you bastard!"

I scoffed as I removed his grip and Gave him one last look .

"some prince you are."

I then ran outside as fast as I could.
I started the car and drove off..
Coleen's POV

There she was, in her white gown running off with pathetic puffy eyes.

God what a crybaby!

I smirked at myself at the thought as I got off the duvet and put on Niall's oversized button shirt. I remember when I wore that similar dress on a special occasion...

Niall and I's wedding..

such a tragedy it didn't go through...

you probably think that I'm such a horrible person... I wouldn't blame you.

I vanished for quite a while, 4 years to be exact.

And now that I've returned, I'm managing to put everything back to the way it used to be..
The way it should be..
We all have a place in this world, and mine just so happens to be with Niall..

I casually get the rest of my clothes from the room and was about to head out.

"Where are you going?"

Asked Niall, dazed,still staring at the door from where y/n had just exited just moments ago..

"You leaving me so soon?"

"I'm gonna head back to my place",
I said.

I walked up to him and gave him a quick peck on the lips, tasting my sweet victory.

"I'll call you later"

With that I left the room, And went outside to my car.
Niall's Pov

I anxiously ran my fingers through my blonde tips.

This wasn't suppose to happen.
I'm not going to play the victim here, because God knows I'm not..

I'm going to let you in a little secret...

I was not supposed to fall for Y/N. She was a rebound that the boys from back home set me up with Inorder to get over Coleen.
(A/N:Before you go ballistic on me, NOO the boys were not one direction.. They were his friends from Ireland)

I had no intention to fall in love with her,
but that's the tricky thing with love, and eventually I went from not being able to stand her to proposing on our 2nd year anniversary..
Love will do that to you, Mess you up till you eventually learn and have no choice but to love..

Coleen was the girl I tried using y/N to forget about... I guess you could say we had a lot of history together..

Would I sound like a horrible person if I said I proposed to her as well?
Huh, I guess I basically answered my own question...
Indeed it does make me sound such a heinous human being.

I proposed on our third anniversary and she said yes.. But on the day of the wedding, she didn't show up..
At that time, I felt like someone was playing games with me. I couldn't believe it. Not only did she not show up ,but she just disappeared...

Have you ever been haunted by the past only to be slapped right in the face by the future?...

Now I had to choose between the girl I love and the girl who loves me...

I guess I just thought that no one really read my stories and kind of lost motivation to write more. Last night, I visited this account and was shocked to see 1.3k reads and an abundance of comments from people saying they want an update :) I will for sure finish this and I'm glad to say I'm happily back. I'm sorry if this sucks, as I have only came back from a year long hiatus but I can assure you that this story will have tons of drama and secrets lurking in the shadows that have yet to be revealed...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2015 ⏰

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