Part 3

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Your POV

it's been exactly 2 hours, and he still wasn't here.

By now, most of the people already left except for Perrie, and the boys.

How can he do this? I managed to get up from the church pew, and control my sobbing.


Perrie said, running towards me.

"He never came....did he.?"

I said, barely managing to say anything.

"Love it's going to be okay.."

Perrie tried consoling me, but nothing really worked.

"Let's go outside and see if one of the boys got a hold of Niall".

I Nodded without any hesitation. If they did get a hold of him,
he needs to do some good explaining.

As we walked outside, each and everyone of the boys were on their phones. I've never seen any of them this stressed.


Yelled out harry.

Did he pick up? My heart started palpitating.

"Where the hell are you?! You better have a good explanation for this fiasco you caused! CALL ME BACK WHEN YOU GET THIS MESSAGE"

and with that he hung up and ruffled his curls.

"We're really sorry Y/N"

said Louis.

"This was so unexpected of Niall. We dont know what has come over him, but we assure you we will find out sooner or later"

"It's not your fault boys. I just want to go home...can one of you drive me back?"

All I want to do is go home, change and go to bed. In hopes that this was all a rubbish nightmare that will soon come to an end.

"sure thing love, Zayn and I can drop you off at Niall and your's flat" ,

Perrie offered with an apologetic smile.

"that would be delightful.."

I said,forcing a smile.

An hour later

Perrie and zayn just dropped me off at the front of me and Niall's flat.

After we said our goodbyes and they had drove off, I opened the door .

I then took off my heels and entered our living room.

It felt strange, like something bad happened here, I iust couldn't put my finger on.

I went upstairs to the master bedroom to hopeful get some shut eye.

As I opened the door, I saw the view that I didn't want to see most. Niall... But do you know what's the worst part?
Niall with another girl on OUR bed.....

He looked peaceful with her wrapped around his arms. Like he had found a sense of euphoria.

I guess my sobs woke him up.. Because he shot up from bed and stared at me as if he looked at a ghost.

"y/n....I can explain love "

Niall said as he got up from the duvet.

UGH I HATE TO LEAVE YOU WITH THIS CLIFFHANGER!! I know it sucks but bare with me, I've been going through some intense writers block :/ In the meantime, comment down below on what you'll think niall will say.. Also make sure to check out my other preference. "HARRY cheats on you, not knowing you're pregnant"

Niall cheats on you the day of your weddingDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora