Chapter 12 [Sober]

Start from the beginning

You woke up around 7 pm. Ryo was sitting on the couch that Akira had slept on, he was writing something on that laptop of his.


"Why're you so attached to that laptop?..."

You said in a very raspy voice. It was light too.


"I need it for my purposes, you know."


"Yeah, yeah. Where's Akira?"

You noticed he was gone.


"He went to Miki's."


"I see."

Ryo got ready to tell you the plans for tonight.


"I bought this for you while you were sleeping." 

There was a paper bag inside with food and a dress. The dress was one of those that would really define your body, you know, the kind of red ones that are extremely hot?


"Pfft, you want me to wear this? For what?... Kinky!"


"Y/N, it isn't like that! I'm... I plan to take you to the Sabbath party tonight. Wear that, it's appropriate for the party at least. But then again, *Sigh* I really can't control what you wear."


"How much was it?"


"Around $300?"


"Ain't no fucking way you actually spent that much! You should've just let me go in my regular clothing or something!"


"No. People recognize you in your normal clothing, it's better off you wear this dress or one of Akira's shirts."


"Eugh, no way am I gonna wear one of Akira's shirts."

You took a look out the window, noticing that the sun had already been set.


"What time are we leaving?"

Ryo took a look at the clock.


"In 40 minutes. Be ready by then."


"Great, just enough time for me to finally take a shower."

You got ready and everything, soon enough you were ready to head out.

You waited by the car, Ryo had been taking a while.

Soon enough, he sat down in the driver's seat, ready to take you there.

Even though you hadn't been to a Sabbath Party ever in your life, you knew exactly what to expect.


"Alright, let's head in."

When he opened the door, a tremendous explosion of music blasted from the speakers, and large flashing lights of vibrant colors appeared. Aside from the fact that there were people fucking everywhere, you thought it was pretty awesome.


"So this is what a Sabbath Party looks like. Hey Ryo, tell me why it is supposedly a good summoning point?"


"All the people here are scum. Doesn't it make sense? Look at them."

You'd... Rather not watch people fucking.


"Ah... I see..."

You said, looking away.

Ryo and you enjoyed a few drinks together and chatted about a great many things before slowly creeping off into your own world, no longer sober. Ryo refrained from drinking excessively; after all, he had to drive you guys home.


Hm... Nothing seems to be happening.


"Aaand then, that's when the direc..."

You were telling a tale about how the director of a film in which you were going to star was a fucking idiot, but then you randomly spaced out and switched topics.


"So... How's your motheeer, Ryooo?"

You, jokingly imitating those whores from movies crawled on the table.




"Waaait... We came for... For demons!... Right?"

You were slurring every word that came out of your mouth.


*Sigh* "Yes, Y/N, we came for demons. But they aren't showing up."


"Pfft, then just make 'em appear. It's that fuckin' simple!"

Lazily while laying on the table, you reached out for another whole ass bottle, but Ryo took it before you could drink it.




"I think you've drank enough for tonight."

In one go, Ryo gulped down nearly half of the bottle and smashed it on some guy's head. Then, he started to slash people with the broken bottle.




"Hm, why didn't I think of that sooner... It was a bad idea to drink early."

Ryo's killed plenty to lure the demons out, but still, nothing happened.


"Strange... Still, nothing's happening?..."

A shit ton of drunk and angry people started to go after Ryo for killing their sex partners or some shit.



Still not sober, you took some random bottles sitting on the counter and started throwing them around.


"Y/N, get down from there! You'll fall if you move any more than that!"


"Tsk. Yeah, yeah."

Demons, Humans, They're All The Same: Ryo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now