The Problem With Not Doing Proper Research

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Author's Notes: I will admit that I am not the biggest fan of either Erxi or Cao Guang but I will admit that seeing the writing disappear off Erxi's  hand during the intern interview was what gave me the idea of having ink on the skin being my soulmate thing. I have a couple other ideas for this universe that I will probably write. I don't know when but they will eventually be written. As always I own nothing.


Cao Guang glanced at the messy handwriting that erupted on his palm annoyingly. This was not the first time or likely the last time that his so-called soulmate dirtied his hands with random notes or plain old ink blotches. While other people call it a blessing he thought of it as a curse. He didn't need the universe to pick out the perfect spouse for him. Not by a long shot. Which is why he always made it a point to keep his hands as clean as possible. He had seen how his parents acted around each other and he wanted none of that. Choosing to go back to his book before his appointment with Bei Weiwei that evening so she could 'clear her name'. Like she could, he knew her type from a mile away. A beautiful vapid man-eater who tried to play innocent. He felt justified posting her picture online getting out of that sports car. The campus needed to be put on guard from women like her.

Glancing at his phone he sighed and put his book down. It was time to get this charade over with. Grabbing the photo she gave him, Cao Guang left the comfort of his couch and made his way to the listed address. She was late and he was ready to walk away when he spotted her getting off the bus. He was about to give her grief when she gestured for him to follow her into the complex. At this point he was curious how far she would take her lie as he got off the elevator and watched her confusingly as she started to knock in a pattern. When he started to complain the apartment door opened to reveal the very same boy in a wheelchair that was in the photo that Bei Weiwei had given him for evidence. The kid greeted her like he knew all along it was her behind the door. He paid half attention when Bei Weiwei asked the kid err Xiao Yang where his mother was.

The moment that Bei Weiwei stepped out of the room to get the kid something to drink, Cao Guang turned his interrogation on the kid. The kid was too smart for his own good. First thing he did after correcting that he was not a kid was to call out Cao Guang's interest in his tutor and to scoff at Cao Guang's intellect for not knowing morse code. The kid's mocking of Cao Guang did not stop, it just got more subtle when Bei Weiwei was in the room. Cao Guang distinctly heard the kid asking Bei Weiwei if Cao Guang was her boyfriend which the beauty quickly denied. Cao Guang watched entranced as she looked over the math workbooks and assigned the kid his next lessons promising that they could game if he did all his school work to her satisfactory level.

Choosing to ignore the kid's attempt to tell Bei Weiwei that she should start dating Xiao Nai; Cao Guang and Bei Weiwei left the apartment complex. When Bei Weiwei suggested to wait around for the kid's mom so he could see the kid's mother's car Cao Guan informed her there was no need and in a token of good faith he pulled up his forum post and showed her that he deleted the post. He did try to reprimand Bei Weiwei for trying to get the kid to neglect his school work and waste time with video games. She explained that for people like Xiao Yang and even people like herself gaming was an outlet to explore the world without prejudice that people would have in the real world.

Her words on gaming made him recall the writing on his palm earlier. She had to be his soulmate and he had been brushing her off all of their lives. From that point on he was going to make it his top priority for Bei Weiwei to fall in love with him. For starters he was going to start spending time with her on campus. When she brushed him off telling him she wasn't interested. He took it as a mild setback. His luck seemed to have improved when he noticed one day that she was hanging out with the pain in his Film Appreciation class, Zhao Erxi. The loud mouth would be easy to bribe with simple flattery. Well simple flattery would not be enough. He added food to the flattery after the loud mouth fell from the broken chair. He figured if he was continually nice to that woman it would flatter Bei Weiwei. It hadn't been working so far; the only thing he learned was where Bei Weiwei's dorm was and that was because he started to deliver breakfast to the loudmouth.

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