episode 14; the breaking news

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Don't pick the scabs or you will never heal. I'm bleeding.

   "Turn on the news!" Ethan and Rory came running into Benny's house, panting and out of breath. Sarah was in the kitchen making a bowl of popcorn and Benny was awkwardly sitting by Erica, the blonde trying to lean her head on his shoulder.

   "What? Ew, why?" Sarah said, being disgusted by the media. "Just do it!" Rory yelled.

   "You'll see," Ethan sighed. Benny changed the channel at the perfect time as the newscaster spoke.

   "And we are here tonight at 5:34 PM with some breaking news evoking fear from the people of Whitechapel. We have Amy Errison at the scene of the latest crime at the park just off Westchester and Eldrigde. Amy, what can you tell us about the killings having occurred so recently, and oh so tragically."

   The camera switched to a dark haired women bundled up with a scarf and a hat and a microphone in her right hand. She waited a second before she spoke.

   "Thank you James. Well tonight has certainly been a wild ride, as what seems to be Whitechapel's latest serial killer has killed over 37 people in just the last hour. These drastic deaths have included gory murders such as decapitation, throat slitting, mutilation, and dismemberment. The most recent murder having been another decapitation, as it appears there was extreme trauma taken to the throat in all of the victims here tonight, as we remember them and honor them, let us take a moment to pray for their families, while recalling their names. Amanda Jules, Jason Burgs, Winona Amber, Axel Patron..."

   As the remaining 33 names were listed and their pictures were shown. They all had a slight resemblance.

   "It has been discovered that all the female victims have had blonde hair and blue eyes, and all male victims have brown hair and green eyes. It is not yet known how these patterns are directly associated, or who they are directly associated with, but we ask everyone here tonight to stay safe and be aware of their surroundings. We will be back soon with more updates on this catastrophe in our supposedly innocent town. Back to you, James."

The five of them all stood in shock, those who were previously sitting now at their feet. "There's no way," Benny breathed, his voice shaking.

   "This is all your fault!" Sarah screamed at Erica, her eyes glowing orange and her fangs being released. Erica leaned backwards. "No it's not! It's not my fault she's mentally unstable!"

   "We could have prevented this," Rory said sadly, feeling as if he's lost her.

   "She killed all those innocent people and you guys can't even admit you had something to do with it?" Ethan yelled in rage. Benny just continued to stare into the distance, trying to piece everything together. "Benny? Are you listening?" he yelled.

   "There's no way that was her. There's no way," Erica said, arms crossed in an upset fashion since she refused to believe it was true. "It's Madison... She's not capable of that."

   The door flew open and hit the wall behind it, leaving a dent in it. "Think again, Bimbo."

   Their heads all flew around and their mouths gaped at the sight.

   The black haired beauty's hair was slicked back and her eyes were leaking black eyeshadow, it thickened around her eyes so much that it looked like it clouded her vision. Yet, her green eyes still shined through them. At first glance, it looked like she had a thick red lipstick, soon discovered to be pasty, fresh blood. She had fishnets around her arms and down her torso, stopping at her waist. She had a dark purple tank top over it that was ripped and stained with blood, hanging off her shoulder. With low waisted jeans with a crystal studded belt loosely hanging off and not properly doing its job, her belly button piercing was a pentagram, and gracefully hung from her naval.  She had gloves that covered her hands except for her fingers, and were strung up to her elbows with lace. She slowly tilted her head down as she leisurely walked towards them in long strides. They all cowered back in fear, terrified by her sudden change in appearance and demeanor. Why was she here? How could she show up after having killed all those innocent people?

i'm back, babyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon