A little bit of a twist

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Josie's POV
I woke up early to go talk to MG to hear London's side of the story before Hope got up, not that I wanted to leave her or hear Landon's side of the story but I went.
I met MG in the hall outside of my room just in case Hope got up. "Just tell me what he said so this can be over with." I said. "He said that he loved Hope and that Hope felt the same way and she kissed him. But I was holding the crystal ball behind my back and he was lying." MG explained. "So he's a liar too. That's good to know. Thanks MG see you later."I said walking back in to the room. Hope was just starting to wake up. "Good morning babe, how did you sleep" I was saying as I was getting back in to bed so that she could rest her head on my chest. "Um, pretty good considering everything. I think kicking Landon helped." She joked. "Well we can stay here for as long as we want. Lizzie told dad and he said we could skip classes for the rest of the week." I said. "Ok sounds great." She was already starting to fall back to sleep, so shuffled down and held her close until eventually I fell asleep also.

*A few hours later *

Hope's POV
I was running from something, a shadow I couldn't escape. But there was a booming voice. "Hope wake up." Josie yell. I sat up sweating and gasping for air. "Are you ok?" She asked. "I'm ok, I was having a bad dream. It was like I couldn't get away from a shadow." I explained. "It's ok your safe now." Josie said. "Hey do you want to go out for a walk?" She asked. "Ya let's go." I said kissing her before we reached the door. And it was just our luck that the first people we saw were Landon and Raf. "Hey Hope, how are you?" Raf asked genuinely worried. "Not great." I said. I could feel Josie siphoning me ready to throw Landon down the hall. And I didn't stop her, He was about to say something but we both hit him with a spell at the same time and Landon went flying down the hall hitting the wall and falling to the ground. "What the hell." Raf yelled running to Landon. "You know he deserves a lot worse. This is us going easy on him." Josie said. And without another word we walked away.
"Are you ok? I didn't think we'd see him, at least not today." She asked. "Ya I'm ok, but I definitely did not need to see him today." I confessed. We walked to the dock so that I could paint the water to relax. "You don't have any of your stuff." Jo said confused. "Give me a sec." I cast a spell and all of my painting stuff appeared in front of me.

Josie's POV
Hope was painting the lake and it looked amazing but I was look at her more than the painting. "You now you can go to dinner. It's getting late." Hope said still focused on her painting. "It's ok. I like to watch you paint." I said splashing my feet in the water. After about an hour we went back to get something to eat, when we got there only MG was there doing homework. " hey Hope I forgot to tell you but before you woke up this morning, I talked to MG and Landon lie about what happened." I said. ". Well. Thanks for telling me Jo,  I'm glad I heard it from you and not MG. Let go sit down." She said taking it surprisingly well. "Hey MG." I said but as he turned around his mouth was covered in blood and was about to come at us when Hope performed a spell and he fell asleep. "At least this will take my mind off Landon. You better get your dad and aunt Fraya went home before the whole Landon thing but I'll call her and aunt Bex." Hope said picking him up heading to his room.

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