Before the chaos

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Josie's POV
Now that all the Mikaelson's had caught up the all started planning. About fifty students had stayed at the school including the super squad which definitely wasn't enough to fight an army, but it was good enough. " hey guys, I know all this is important but can Jo and O spend an hour or two together?" Hope said form across the table. "Why?" Fraya asked we hadn't told her family we were dating. "Oh ya, I forgot to tell you all. Josie and I are dating. So can we?"  Hope was saying casually. " yes but just an hour or two." Uncle Kol chuckled. Hope came over to me grabed my hand and lead me to her room.

Hope's POV
"Sorry for not being around these past few days"I said with my head down. " It's ok, your dad just came back from the dead" Josie frowned. I put my hand on her face and connected our lips. It felt like an eternity before pulling away. "Don't we need to be helping everyone get the school ready?" She asked. " ya, but it's all overwhelming with my dad coming back, I just need to relax. So we did, we watched a movie but we weren't really watching, we were too busy making out. When we were done, we went back to hear the plan.

Dad and I where walking around the halls of the school, "how's mom and uncle Elijah? I asked. " there at peace, but they miss you every day, as do I. He said as he embraced me. It felt so good to hug my dad again. We should get ready for the battle ahead, the necromancer will be here in twelve hours" he said. And we walked back to dr.Saltzman's office and said good night. As I was walking to my room aunt Fraya and aunt Rebeka caught up to me. "We spent the day teaching the students offensive magic and basic fighting skills, where were you?" Aunt Bex questioned. Was with Josie and then dad most of the day. I want to spend time with him bofore he has to go again" I said with a frown. "Ok good excuse" Fraya chuckled. "Hey! It's not an excuse! Plus I already know how too fight and I know offensive magic" i laughed. I said good night once again and went to my room. Too my surprise Jo was in my bed reading. " hey I thought you were sleeping in your room" I said smiling. " Lizzie had some guy over so she kicked me out so I thought I could just crash here tonight if that's ok?" She was beautiful. " wow even when an army is coming Lizzie will have a guy over, but yes of course you can" I said climbing in to bed and giving my girlfriend a kiss. "Good night Jo" she was already sleeping. I cuddled up to Josie and soon fell asleep myself.

Josie's POV
The next morning I woke up in Hope arms, she was still asleep so I got out of bed as quietly as I could and slipped on one of Hope's hoodies and walked to the door. " hey you going somewhere?" Hope questioned. "I was just going to get us breakfast" I said to my barely awake girlfriend. "Ok I guess, but give me a second, I'll come with you." Hope said dragging herself out of the bed. She got out of bed and we went to get breakfast. "Hope, Josie! Come sit with us." Aunt Bex waved us over to the table with Hope's entire family. We walked over and sat down, I was nervous to have a real conversation with her family.

" Hey aunt Bex"
"Good morning Hope and Josie"  
" Good morning" this was really nerve-wracking.

Hope's POV
"So you guys ready for the fight?" Uncle Kol asked. "Yes we are I said giving Josie a kiss on the cheek. A that moment there was a explosion and we went flying.

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