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"Target acquired" i said as i watched him through my scope. The room fell silent around me as I stabilised my breathing , focusing on my target. His red suit shone through the crowd, his appearance was very much that of someone of great importance. My target was the mafia boss, Park Jimin , him and his men have committed unspeakable crimes all around the world. Everyone feared them, the police would not dare approach him, bring him in for questioning, they have a habit of ending up dead or disappearing. This is why I was called in, im very much called " a specialist", I am the person you call for these types of contracts.

This was the first time Jimin was making a public appearance in a very long time, I had to seize the opportunity to take him out while I could. The crowd begin to clap and everyone begins to stand.

"Firing in 3"



Just as I am about to take the shot, somehow, someway he grabs and hugs someone in the crowd and looks straight into the scope, gazing at me.

"What is this? He knows I'm here, That's impossible" I thought to myself.

"shit he knows I'm here"

"Abort mission"

Quickly I began breaking down the gun to pack it away before making my escape. With the gun packed up , I began to leave as quick as I could. I make my way to the stairs and begin running down from the roof. My breath becoming heavier and staggered, confused as to what just happened. I made my way down to the 3rd floor when suddenly I heard the door slam open.


looking over the rails i noticed 3 men, all dressed in black suits.

"shit, shit"

Turning around i made my way back up the flight of stairs making my way on to the 5th floor. The floor was crowded with people, blending through I made my way to the elevator.

"come on, come on, hurry up"

Mafia Boss: Not all is what it seemsWhere stories live. Discover now