Chapter 1 "The Kisaki siblings"

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The young eight year old little girl Tenna was at the kitchen preparing all the ingredients she and her grandma needed for dinner

"Grandma where do i put this??"

Little tenna ask her grandmother holding a large pile of peeled vegetables

"Oh you can put that on the trash bin dear"

Her grandmother pointed at the trash bin and she followed her intructions and disposed of the garbage

"All Done!"

She looked at her grandmother with a proud smiled and grinned ear to ear
As her grandmother gently caressed her chubby cheeks and smiled back

"Thats my Granddaughter your getting better at this!"

Feeling prouder tenna puffed her chest out and grinned wider

A moment later they heard the front door open and heard a voice

"Im home.."

The little girl quickly rushed to the front door to greet her dearest big brother....Kisaki Tetta

"Welcome home big bro!"

She happily smiled and jumped towards him to hug tightly

"Jeez..ow...your not really small anymore Tenna"

The young girl smirked and laughed

"I know big bro, but i also KNOW that your getting big and strong so pretty sure you would get to carry me like a piece of cake!"

Tetta laughed at his little sisters foolishness but played along and ruffled her hair, soon afterwards their grandmother went to check on them with a smile plastered all over her face as she saw her two little angels playing together

"alright you two, dinner will be ready in thirty minutes so why dont you play outside for a little?"

Tenna immediately jumped up and grabbed her brothers hand to pull him up from the ground

"J-jeez....your really strong arent you tenna?"

Tenna puffed out her chest feeling proud and smirked

"well thats because i want to protect big bro from the bullies!"

Tetta looked at his little sister a bit taken back and surprised by her answer his eyes started to moist and nose started go hurt, he quickly looked away and went on outside first

"Hey wait up big bro!"

Little Tenna followed along her older brother outside and they all started to play on the grass playing Tag

Unfortunately for Kisaki his little sister Tenna was pretty fast like a lightning bolt and was pretty strong unlike him so he was getting tired more then usual and sat down for a moment

Tenna noticed his exhaustion and went beside him to sit down and stretched her arms and legs

"Boy im Beat!"

Tetta snorted and looked at her suspiciously

"Nuh-uh No your not, your just pretending to be tired again"

she nervously chuckled and laughed it off

"Well...i didnt want to force you or push you to your limits too much..your kinda like more of a brain and iam the brawn!"

Welp...he cant say he doesnt agree, he was more skilled in academics while his sister is skilled in physical activities and crafts

They were both different from each other but it compliments them and their relationship as sisters and Family, he was truly thankful to his little sister that she came along his life

She was the ony one that never looked down on him, and never bullied him or even called him weird names like freak, weirdo or creep....intead..she LOVED him...loved him for who he is

His grandma was there as well but he didnt want her to worry so he never mentions the bad things that had been happening to him at school
But his sister knowd either he tells her or not

Not a moment afterwards they both heard the calls of their names from their grandma saying its time for dinner so they both rushed back inside but before that tetta grabbed his sisters hand

"Tenna.......listen...whatever happeneds to wont be your fault okay?...I will always be your big brother no matter what happeneds"

The young girl had no idea nor clue what her big brother had been talking about so she just reluctantly nodded and smiled and Tetta hugged her tightly

"We better head inside before grandma gets mad"

"Okay big bro! Race you there!!"


{4 years later}

Tenna POV

I was buying some groceries from the convenient store since i was running out of food ingredients the cashier thanked me and i respectfully bow down and smiled as i walked out of the store

" time to head home and cook dinner"

As i was on my way to the house i saw a couple of delinquents coming my direction i sighed and irritatingly groaned as i tried to ignore them

"Oii little girl its rude to walk pass your seniors without greeting us ya know!"

I assumed this guy was their wanna-be leader that grabbed my wrist tightly

"Yeah! Teach her some lessons boss!"

"No one messes with us wittle girl!"

Wittle? blood started to boil by them mocking me i clicked my tongue and grabbed something from my bag using my other hand

"Real mature mister"

I coldly stared at them and sprayed some pepper spray on their leaders eyes and they started to back away

"Y-You Bitc-"

He never finished his sentence when someone from behind stabbed him and with a blink of an eye there was a large pool of blood on the floor
His members started to scream like little ninnies and ran for their lives

"I could have handled that on my own you know"

I raised my eye brow and crossed my arms at the person who stabbed the wanna-be leader

"Sorry boss told me to watch over you~"

......As always....

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