contest ish

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*Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasp* we hit 500+ views!!! WOOOOOOOOOHOO!! wanna know how to celebrate? Dont know? Lol. Anyways:
Step 1: eat your favorite food
Step 2: share this book with your friends
Step 3: play music
Step 4: look for funny pictures and send the link to me to get dedication
Step 5: message me ( ill give ya meh number ) your pictures doing the steps
BONUS: whoever sends the craziest way of doing this gets/gets to:
1st place: be the co writer of this book and i will follow. Yay. Yes i mean it. Bcuz, who dosent?
2nd place: help me look for funny pictures
3rd place: free candy like:
4th place: be the co writer of my new book. Dont worry ill tell you.
5th place: a picture of Groot
Any place: a picture of your crush

Anyways, you will also be given a dedication. GOOD LUCK PEOPLE!!! WHY DO I KEEP USING BOLD? so weird... good luck :)

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