"Be Prepared, Mehmet"

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- When I look at your son Sultanzade Mehmet, I only can see your brother in him, he has got the same energy as him, it makes me sad too- Mara said
- Why, mother? - Fatma asked politelly
- Because I am afraid of what can meet him after Sultan death
- Allah forbid
- I am very curious of Mehmet's reaction on Selcuk's name- Mara said
- He was unpleasant, but he didn't protest as much as Zagan did, but although what she did, she is my dear sister - Fatma answer with gentle

  Mara Sultan only had her lips bitten, but she has been staring on Mehmet and Selcuk playing together.

- Are you sure that no one will kidnapp messenger? - ask Fatma
- I sent some Janissariess with him, I am sure that Mehmet will arrive soon with his army
- Insallah
- How is your stepdaughter doing? - Mara asked
- Very well, she missed her friend Ahmet, but if you could only see the way she look at Mehmet...
- Mehmet is very handsome, young Sehzade, he is so similar to your late mother
- May Allah give her soul peace
-Amin- Mara Sultan answered

Suddenly Selcuk Sultan came closer to her mother. Blond hair girl was very confused, she came front her mother and she kneeled down

- Mother, when will we come back to Manisa? - little girl asked
- I am missing my father, Hatice, uncle, Bayezid and Gevherhan- her equal added

Young adult Sultan looked in her children's eyes with gentle smile. She was irritated by their whining, but emotional about their connection with family.

- We should wait some time, your grandpa is so sick, we can't leave him on his own- Fatma told their children, touching their cheeks
- But can't our father arrive here? - Selcuk asked her mother with puppy eyes
  Then mature woman, Mara Sultan interjected
- My little angels, your father is taking care of your uncle, you both don't aware of evilness of this world
- But our Sultan grandpa has got you, Mara Sultan and uncle Sehzade Ahmet and little Yusuf- Mehmet said curiously
- We are protecting your uncle here too, my lion- Fatma said with looking deep in her son's eyes

In another Edirne Saray's chamber wasn't such a familiar atmosphere. Black haired mature women was sitting on the sofa with her teen son and eating dinner, even though they couldn't swallow. They were terrified and frightened, but woman was so inquisitive about what happened on Divan Council.

- Halil Pasha has helped with negotation about my sanjak, before spring I should move to Konya- Ahmet was talking about arrangments- Even he decided to send Sehzade Yusuf and Yeni Sultan to Manisa for taking a knowledge
- Your father didn't draw conclusions... Past showed us how dangerous is sending brothers to brothers- Alime said with taking a sight
   Ahmet started to laugh and looked into his mother's eye with pity
- Mehmet won't kill his baby-brother, don't even think so
- Ohh, my son, your brother is horrible man, your father knows it, may Allah makes you new ruler if something happens to your father- Alime said with hope in her eyes
- I have remorse, my brother surely deserve it, I believe he won't hurt me
- You will be very surpised, he will kill you with first oppurtunity, because he exactly knows that whole Divan hates him- Alime said with condemned, which make teen boy confused
- We won't make it happen, Mehmet is supported by Janissaries, Zagan Pasha, Fatma, Mara Sultan and quite Yeni, we are without any chance- Ahmet said biting his meal
- Your sister, Selcuk hates him and Zagan's daughter was your friend, if you marry her, Zagan Pasha will be obey to you- Alime tried convince him
- Ohh mother, mother his love for Fatma is crazy, but at least we can try, I don't wanna lose my life- Ahmet stands up and left his mother's chamber


  In Edirne whole family was sitting in Sehzade's chamber. On the one side the lovers with Mehmet's children and on the other Gulsah with her slave- Zeynep Hatun.

- Our Sehzade treats you bad, my Sultan, you deserve better
- I know, this witch, Gulbahar makes him blind, Zeynep
- Maybe she has casted spell on him, he seem being addicted, my Sultana

Mehmet was looking in Gulbahar's eyes and he was getting lost. Children's voices and smiles has been heard. Every women were jealous of Gulbahar and Mehmet's love and how he only has his eyes on her. He use to spend his whole time apart duties with his lover. Suddenly Zagan burst into chamber and shout: "Sehzade, Mara Sultan sent you letter from the capital". Mehmet stood up immediately and extracted the letter and start to read on his own.

    "Mehmet, my lion, my charming Sehzade,
  Your father is in terrible condition, the reason is gout, perhaps he won't make even month to live. The traitor dog makes everything to strenghten your brother, Ahmet and even made any efforts to send him to Konya and make him your official opponent. Mehmet be ready and get ready, Ottoman Empire needs you to be near Edirne, don't waste your time
                                  Your Mother, Mara"

   Mehmet had some many emotions in him and he finally shouted "Zagan, take my soldiers, we are going to Edirne, as fast as possible", then they got off the chamber and left everybody shocked.

Muhteşem Fatih- STORY OF SULTAN MEHMET PART 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin