Chapter 8 Any Last Words?

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"Your heart decides who it likes and who it doesn't. You can't tell your heart what to do, it does it on its own when you least expect it, or even if you don't want it to... " 

- Unknown.

Dick was up at the crack of dawn brushing down the horse they stole. Elizabeth woke up after him and asked what they where going to do.

"We are going to a palace." Dick replied back with a smile.

"Why??" Elizabeth asked.

"Well apparently there is a masquerade ball on at the York Palace on top of that hill" Dick said pointing at the hill.

They headed off to get outfits for the ball. Elizabeth stole a grand dress that she found in a shop. It was a light creamy purple long dress. It was laced with gold on the top corset part. It was one of the most prettiest things Dick had ever seen Elizabeth in. Dick grabbed a suit and mask. They both headed up the hill to the palace.

Dick and Elizabeth entered the massive hall with linked arms. There where hundreds of people there dancing and gossiping while a 20 peice orchestra played classics. It was marvellous.

"This is amazing! Dick thank you so much for bringing me here tonight! I love you so much." Elizabeth said in delight.

"Well I kind of wanted today to be a surprise. " Dick said with a cheeky smile.

"What? What is it? There's a catch I know it!" Elizabeth said jumping up and down frantically with excitement.

"Later my dear." Dick said with a cheeky smile.

"May it be an honour to dance with you?" Dick asked

"Of corse!" Elizabeth agreed.

They linked arms and walked to the middle of the ballroom floor. After a lovely time of dancing Dick and Elizabeth exited the stage.Suddenly Dick noticed that the guards who had killed his partners had found them. Dick took Elizabeth by the hand and ran down the hallways and until they found a door Dick kicked the door open like a superhero...


{continuing from Chapter 1} 

Dick and Elizabeth hid in the closet while the soldiers ran into the room and checked everywhere. They opened the closet and found them both. They violently grabbed Dick and Elizabeth up from the closet.

"Stop! Stop it! I never told Dick!!" 

Elizabeth screamed out.

"HAULT! What do you mean you never told him?" A soldier asked.

"I never told him that....." Elizabeth hesitated. "I never told him that I'm pregnant."

Dick stood there with his eyes wide open and looking straight at Elizabeth. Elizabeth had known since that morning. Dick laughed and smiled. A single tear rolled down his cheek in happiness.

"No time for chat! MOVE!" One of the soldiers yelled.

"Wait! I haven't told you the surprise! ELIZABETH!!" Dick shouted out to her as Elizabeth was being dragged out of the room.

The lead soldier came up to Dick.

"I've been waiting to do this for years! The famous Dick Turpin." The soldier said with a evil gleam.

Suddenly the soldier drew out his pistol. Dick looked at Elizabeth in realisation of what was going to happen. Dick mouthed the words 'I love you' then all of a sudden BANG! Dick Turpin was shot in the head. Blood seeped onto the floor.

Elizabeth screamed in pain. She broke free of the guards hold and she ran over to Dicks body.

She was shaking in shock. Tears poured down her cheeks. Just before the guards grabbed her again she reached into Dicks pocket to find a wedding ring. The ring was envraved with 'Forever we shall be'. Elizabeth was suddenly grabbed by the soldiers and she dropped the ring. The ring fell to the ground with a soft clink. Elizabeth cried out Dicks name as she was taken away from Dicks body. The further away she got from him, the more her heart broke. That was the last time she saw Dick.

Elizabeth was put into jail for less than a year until she had the baby. It was a baby boy. Elizabeth named him Richard Turpin Jr in loving memory of her one true love Dick Turpin.


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