Chapter 1

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. My mom, Sara-Lynn, was rich and lived in a beautiful house out in the country. My dad however, was just the stable boy. Grandma Lydia was very close to the duchess, who had a son about moms age. Grandma Lydia and Duchess Katrina wanted nothing more than the two to fall in love and get married. Though my mom, had different plans. She fell in love with dad and at age 16 wanted to get married. Of corse grandma refused to let mom marry a lowly stable boy when she could marry a future king. They had a big fight and mom ran away to Carsona with dad. It took them 5 months to find a house and a job. Luckily though, dad was from Carsona and knew a friend who helped them onto their feet. And not a moment two soon. On April 6, 2464 I was born. It was no secret I was a daddy's girl. I would cry when he wasn't around and had the biggest smile ever when he was. At first when my sister Lexington was born, I was mad. I thought she would take away all of dads attention, but I should've known better. Dad, of course, always made time for me. Four years later three more new arrivals came. The triplets were three baby girls, Genevieve, Lucile, and Elizabeth. We were the happiest family you'd ever seen. Then dad decided he wanted to go to army. He never told us kids why but I heard him taking to mom late at night. Something about proving grandma Jane wrong. He wanted to prove he was good enough for her daughter and granddaughters. But it's not like she would ever know anyway. She never spoke to mom or dad again since the day they left, and I doubt she ever will again. Against moms protest dad left his office job three weeks later to join boot camp. It was hard to be away from him so long. Every night we would talk for hours. Sometimes he would even write me songs, and of course I never forgot a single one. After boot camp he was sent to Iraq where war had been going on for what seemed like ever. Of course we Skyped and he even came home for most hollidays. Dad was only In the army for 1 year, but he became pretty popular. In that one year he saved 96 of his fellow soldiers with hardly a scratch. That is until soldier 97. I remember getting off the bus that day. Elizabeth had fallen asleep, and I was carrying her in one arm and holding Lucy's hand in the other. Lexi and Genevieve ran ahead, knowing that mom always had treats waiting for us. Usually as soon as we walked through the door the smell of fresh brownies, or cookies, or something like that would brush against our faces. So sweet, and warm, and always delicious. But no smells awaited us today. Instead Mom was sitting at the table, and I could tell she had been crying. She looked up and called us over. As soon as we sat down she said, " Dad was shot today in battle." The words hit me like an unexpected brain freeze. " He dove in front of a soldier who he knew his wife was soon expecting and with 6 other little ones. The soldier, a soldier,Jones, I believe, didn't see the sniper who had snuck behind a bush by the lake near the base. Your dad was shot near his heart, and one of his lungs was punctured by a second shot. Jones shot back and killed the sniper. Luckily there was only one, and he was able to carry him back to base safely. The doctors sent him on an emergency 'copter. He is on his way back over to Carsona, but." She paused for what seemed like ages, and I could tell she was fighting back tears as hard as she could. " Girls he's in a coma right now and the doctors don't expect him to survive. He should be at the hospital in about 3 more hours, and we will be able to see him." The room was silent for a few minutes. Then Lexi finally took in what happened and started to sob. I slid my arm around her and pulled her in for a hug. Then the triplets, also now realizing what had happened, started to cry. I never cried. Not until I went up to my room half an hour later. Then I let all feelings out. I wanted to stay strong for everyone. I wanted to stay strong for mom. My dad, my best friend, was dying, and there was nothing I could do. I laid on my bed thinking. Thinking about his always present smile that I'll never see again. Thinking about his beautiful songs that I would never hear again. Thinking about how I would never feel his arms hold me tight again as he comforted me after a bad dream. Thinking how I had to stay strong. I had to. For Lexi. For the triplets. For mom. About three hours later I heard mom call, with a voice weak from crying hard, " Annabelle are you ready." I put on fresh makeup, dried my tears, and faked a smile. "Ya mom. I'm ready."
It took all of my strength not to run to his room. We had seen dad just two weeks earlier, on Christmas. Now that seemed like forever ago. Finally we reached his room after a bajillion hallways. The doctor estimated he had about 4 more hours left. 4 more hours left and he was stuck here, in a dull hospital room with dull white sheets and dull white walls. The thought of that alone made me want to cry. I heard a faint whisper from one of the triplets, Elizabeth I think, "Daddy." Then everyone started crying. Except me. I wanted to, oh I wanted to so bad, but I had to stay strong. About five minutes of silence (except for crying) and then mom spoke. "M. Maybe we should start saying goodbye." I could tell she was exhausted and was fighting off more tears from coming. I let the triplets go first. It only took them about 10 minutes for all three. Then Lexi went. By the time she came out her face was more puffy and red than before, but not a single tear was left on her face. Mom wanted me to go saying she'd take too long, but I wanted to be the last one. The last one to see his chest rise up and down as I held his hand, so I insisted that she go first. She was right though. She spent a really long time leaving me only half an hour left, but I could t complain. Most soldiers families didn't even get a minute. I walked into the dull white room. The clock said 9:55. Exactly two and a half hours from when we first arrived. I knew he wouldn't respond, but I needed to have a good conversation with him one last time. I started of easy, talking about school and basketball and band. Then I paused not knowing what to say next. I took a long sigh then said " Don't go daddy, please, I'm begging, please daddy please." I paused again for a few minutes, crying. Crying really hard for the first time since I heard the news. I wiped away my tears then started again. " I remember how you use to make songs for me. And play them when I couldn't fall asleep. I remember every single one, and I will never forget any. Even the one you sang to me when I was three about the butterflies and flowers. So thirteen years of you singing me songs I guess I kinda owe you one. So here it goes." I sang a song about a little girl growing up and how she would always still need her daddy to guide her. When I was finished I glanced back at the clock on the wall. 3 minutes. I always looked up to you. Now I guess I'll really be looking up to you. Just remember to check in on me and everyone else while your up partying at the golden gates. 2 minutes. I sat in silence knowing I could cry with none of my family except dad around. 1 minute. " Dad I love you. Please don't go. Please please please." I kept muttering please through my tears until I felt as if though I were drowning in my tears. When a tear landed on dads hand instead of wiping it of I reached down and grabbed his hand. "Please please...." 11:25. I looked at him, his chest still rising and falling. I understand the doctors estimate being off by a few minutes but then an hour passed. Then two. Then three. I was surprised,but still great full, mom didn't come in. I remained sobbing quietly for a few hours then I started to quietly sing the first song he sang to me. Then something strange happened . I thought I heard a faint voice mumbling along. That was our song. Only we knew about it. I glanced at the door. No one. Then I looked at dad. Where his lips moving? "Dad? Dad!" Then his eyes slowly opened. I felt my heart stop and pinched myself making sure this wasn't some cruel, teasing dream.
"Why'd you stop, Annie?"
I called for the doctor. He came right away with mom, Lexi, and the triplets on his heels.
I looked them in the eyes. I knew what they were expecting. He's gone. But then I nodded my head to him. With his goofy grin he said in almost a whisper. "Hey beautifuls."

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