Chapter 6

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Yasmeen's P.O.V

I sit inside the office room sweating ,scared out of my mind that the police officer, oh no , SI Younos will tell them about me .I hear footsteps coming towards the room I am inside, I panic. The doorknob turns, I brace myself for the worst things .But to my relief , Mr .Younos enters the room. And closes the door behind him, His eyes fell on my scared figure ,and his eyes soften .
"Don't be afraid , I didn't tell them anything about you ." ,Younos assured me .
"Thank you so much , sir . You don't know how grateful I am ." I reply
"Call me Younos , " Younos requested.
I just nodded my head in response, it will feel weird to call someone so strong like him by name .
"And tell me what happened , from beginning , Don't leave any details " Younos said.
And this wasn't a request but an order , I looked down at the floor, suddenly it was themost beautiful thing I have ever seen .
"Eyes on me , Yasmeen" ,Younos snapped.
My eyes immediately shot up to met his dark black one's .I felt protected under his gaze. I started telling him everything ,how I lost everyone and everything , how I came to Bangladesh , Meena and her family , specially her mother Kadiza who tried to force me to marry Mizan . By the the time, I finished I was sobbing violently . I closed my eyes and curled in ball , Suddenly , I was engulfed in warm and big arms , Younos was stroking my hair while I cried in his shoulder .
"Shh...Yasmeen, everything is okay now. No need to be scared " , Younos softly whispers in my ear .

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2022 ⏰

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