Chapter 1: The Typical Bus Scene

Start from the beginning

"Wh-what kind of attitude is that?"

"The kind of attitude I will continue to have in the future. Lady, it is useless to argue with me. Wouldn't you agree that your energy is better spent asking someone else to give up their seat? Of course, I don't mind entertaining you for a bit longer, though in that case you should raise a more entertaining topic."

The lady stands dumbfounded for a second. The audience can clearly tell who's on the winning side of the conversation.

"And I see you have nothing of worth to say. Please have fun convincing some lesser sod. If you truly care for the elderly, something like who gives up their seat should be a trivial concern for you." The boy puts his earphones in and loudly starts listening to... the fourth movement of Antonin Dvorak's Symphony no.9, I think. Though the volume's up, it's hard to hear over the bus. Not quite a piece you listen to while in commute, but nonetheless respectable. Anyway, that entire fiasco was dramatic enough to be a play. Quite worthwhile, but how will it conclude?

"You can take my seat, if you'd like."

With an unrelated third party's interference, it seems. The short-haired student stands up and offers her seat with a smile. She's been making half-worried gestures and glances the entire time, as if she was looking for an opportunity to intrude in their conversation. The other passengers seem to have noticed, and when she speaks up the entire bus is undoubtably given this impression: She's a good girl. Pleasing appearance, clear voice, nice smile, and good attitude. The office lady's displeasure disappears as well.

And with that, we have a silent ride all the way to my stop.


As I got off the bus, a gate made of natural rock waited ahead of me. Young girls and boys, dressed in the same red-green uniform I wore, walked through the gates. The blond boy walks far ahead of me with the same self-satisfied smirk.

"Wait." I catch up and wait until he takes off his headphones to raise my voice.

"Oh, has someone already been smitten by me? I apologize, boy, but I do not swing that way." He responds, not turning back.

I may be completely unexperienced socially, but it shouldn't matter when facing a guy like him. I have a feeling no matter what I did, whether it be grab him by the wrist, make a joke, throw a book at him, kick his face, or suddenly start playing Fur Elise on the piano, his impression of me would be the same.

"What's your name?" although we learned about our species in the white room, typical interaction was limited. He's a man of interesting character, so my curiosity was peaked.

"Very well. You may take pride in being the first student in this school to learn of the name Kouenji Rokusuke, the sole male heir to the Kouenji conglomerate who will soon be tasked with carrying the future of Japan." He said, turning around with a dramatic flourish.

Though it shouldn't matter much, I should follow basic etiquette and introduce myself. "Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Nice to meet you."

"Ayanokouji-boy. Remember to exercise proper precaution with me, for I will mercilessly punish anything that makes me uncomfortable. Ugly things, for instance. For your safety, I recommend you bring along a beautiful lady next time. Preferably someone older." He says, walking away after openly revealing his preference. If you liked older women, what about the grandma?

...My second attempt at a joke fails and falls flat, not affecting my emotions at all. I would laugh if I could.

"Wait." As I try and step forward, it seems it's my turn to get stopped. I turn around to see the black-haired girl glaring at me.

"You were looking at me. Why?"

"You were reading quite a conspicuous book." I replied, pointing at the bright red Crime and Punishment in her hand. It's mostly true, though I'm familiar with it. It was a choice novel of that man.

"Is that all? If it's nothing important, don't look at me so brazenly. It's quite a bother." Sharp words. At least her image matches with her book choice.

"I'll keep that in mind." I reply. This should be a neutral, safe answer.

As she walks past me, I follow behind. "My name's Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Nice to meet you." I have doubts if I'll even be able to speak coherently in the classroom. I should take this chance to increase my contacts when I can. Unfortunately, she simply ignores me with a glare and walks off. 

How rude. I sure would hate to sit next to her in class.

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