The Sixth and Seventh Murder

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So far, I had left at least 5 people in cold blood. My own father, Claire, an unknown mother and father to a victim, an the little girl who enjoyed playing chess, Lilah. I have never felt remorse for any of my victims, let's just say I believed they all deserved it, except for Claire. I had to get my mind off of it, and I did it in the most sickening way imaginable. I got on the spree, and killed again.

As I was planning my next murder, I didn't know who to kill. My victims ranged for a wide variety, most of them were towards the female gender, or parents. Parents, I thought seemed to have the most effect on me because I myself had and abusive father, and therefore, it felt good to kill him. The blood gushing onto my face... How I smiled when I saw the silver blade pierce his skin as he took his last breaths.

I decided to become a secret hitman for any children who had abusive parents. It was as simple as that, the kids would tell me about their parents, and I would take them out for them. Whether stabbing or strangling, I had their back. Those were my two methods of killing, until this murder.

A little boy, about in his teen years contacted me while I was roaming the streets of London. Even now I forget his name, but his parents were Gary and Rhonda. Gary had a previous marriage, and that wife eventually died while giving birth to the boy. Then, Gary eventually fell in love with Rhonda at a dance recital, and the two hit it off. And let's just say that the boy had some furious opinions about them.

Rhonda was the meanest, abusive and strictest woman you would ever meet. She barely let any visitors in the house, and had a strange hobby for collecting weapons. She would use these weapons to torment the boy, and instead of protecting him, all that Gary did was stand aside, smirk and watch. It angered the boy to see that his father wasn't doing anything about this abuse. That's when he had turned to me for advice to kill his father and stepmother.

"I don't care what you do to them, just MAKE SURE THAT THEIR GONE!!! I DON'T WANNA SEE THEIR BLOODY FACES EVER AGAIN!!! I HATE RHONDA, THAT DAMNED BITCH!!!" He stomped off furiously into the streets. Luckily for him, I had a plan.

Since Rhonda didn't allow anyone in the house, I would come in there through the chimney. I know, a weird way to travel. It wasn't long until I got stuck in the chimney. I sighed, I felt stupid being in there. There was no way that Rhonda didn't let people enter the house... I felt as stupid as Santa Claus going through the chimney with his blasted water weight. But, if Santa could do it... So could I...

It was eventually, I got myself free from being stuck in the chimney, and I dropped to the floor. My buttocks hurt so badly, my stomach hurt. I looked around the room to see if there was anything I could do my handy work with, and eventually, I found it.

Right in the middle of the living room, sat a box of matches. They were let unattended, but one of them fell out. I chuckled. I don't know what me into the dirty deeds of committing arson, but I did it anyway. I grabbed the dropped match quickly, lit it up with the closest object I could find, and set it on the ground. I squeezed up back the chimney, and jumping out of the roof, I heard it.

Screams... Pain-stricken awful screams. There was a fire in the house, and I had started it. I could hear masculine and feminine screaming inside the house. They were loud, awful screams, as if someone were suffering and in pain. I paid no attention to their pleads. All I could do was laugh, and laugh and laugh as their bodies were being burnt to the crisp as the fire blazed through the windows of the house. That was the first and only time I had started a fire- or in that case, committed arson.

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