The Second Murder

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After murdering my father, I felt... At peace. A certain peace that I cannot describe. I felt like I was gliding in the sky, free like an eagle. I wanted this freedom for so long, and now, I finally had it.

My mother never really expected anything of me, expected me of murdering her husband. She treated me well, as per usual, and after a couple of months, my mother suddenly passed away from breast cancer. I became lost... I didn't know what to do without her... This triggered the motive for my second murder. I needed a vulnerable, old woman to do it, I found the one.

As I was out shopping on the streets of London, I found a old woman. Her name was Claire O'Donnell, she was an American that moved from her home town into England, hoping to find a new change in scenery. She was a charming, kind old woman who enjoyed the taste and smell of tea.

As I walked her to my current house, I asked if she would like to stay at my house for the night. Claire said that she would be obliged to. I was in awe at Claire's use in vocabulary, she sounded like a British woman, not one from America.

The meeting at first started off well. I was making snacks and drinks, biscuits and tea, every England person knew that this was a staple in their lives. We stopped and chatted for a while. Claire told me she was a drink and tea taster at her local tea company. She retired 12 years ago, but she still enjoys drinking tea. I asked her what her favorite was. "My favorite? Ooh, there's so many to choose, but if I had to pick just one, it would probably be green tea." Claire said with a giggle. I chuckled a little too. "Green tea, eh? That's... My favorite too..."

I felt like me and Claire had a certain connection. I really didn't want to kill her, but she was like my mother to me. When we went to leave, I got scared and acted fast, I stabbed her behind her back with a kitchen knife. She was the only victim I shared remorse for. I've never cried or fell to my knees for any of my victims except for my second, the kind old lady who moved from America to England in hopes of searching for tasting more tea and to have a glance at more amazing scenery... The kind old lady, who became my second unfortunate victim, Claire O'Donnell....

Chained FuryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora