2018- Y/n

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"We should leave here by the end of the week. I still don't know where after this. I think Steve expects me to tell you and you end up coming after us or something." I chuckle as I talk to Bucky via Wakanda Hologram.

He shakes his head as he laughs. He was wearing one of the Wakanda garbs, his metal arm long gone since he didn't want to be reminded of everything when he looks at the red star. I support him with what ever makes him feel better, he's my husband.

"If I want to see my wife, I will see my wife. Hows the food?" Bucky chuckles since he knows how much I like to try new dishes when we move to different locations.

"Ohhh... to die for. Im going to have to make it for you when we head back to Wakanda." I groan as I think about all the dishes I could make for Bucky.

Bucky hums as he looks down. I looked at him worriedly. I knew he still had trouble sometimes with his nightmares, but Shuri told me that he was free. I knew Bucky was worried that he'll hurt me as we sleep, it happened a few days after our wedding night.
He had a dream about one of his missions, when he woke he was choking me with his metal arm as I tried to wake him up. After that we haven't slept in the same bed for a little over a year. He felt so guilty when that happened, he had shut himself away from everyone including me. It wasn't till I attacked him with my powers to prove my point that I can take of my self. After that we talked to Shuri and T'Challa about his mind, if they could somehow help him.  For a year he's been getting treated, during that time me and the others have been jumping place to place as me and Bucky kept in contact with one of Shuri inventions. I visit as much as I can under the radar from the government.

"You know... I shoved Sam outside when he was just in his underwear. Should have seen it, he was screaming to be let back in, as a family of five pass by. Im pretty sure the kids have nightmares." I chuckle as I try to get him to think of something else.  It worked as I hear him chuckle and grins at me.

"Im pretty sure they're scared for life." He says as we both laugh. I turn to my right as I hear someone open the hatch to the queenjet and walk in.

White hair turns the corner as I realize its just Nat. But something was off, when she got within 5 ft of me she crosses her arms and raised an eyebrow. I mimic her as Bucky looks from me to her confused.

"Where's Wanda?" She asked sweetly like it was no big deal, and that this was a regular conversation.

Im so screwed, I thought to myself. Wanda had went to go be with Vision, she told me that it wouldn't be long and if I can cover for her. After over an hour Sam noticed her disappearance, I cursed him as I gave them the excuse that she went for a walk to the local market. I guess I've been in here to long talking to Bucky that I didn't notice that its already been over 4 hours. When I see Wanda again I'm going to kill her, that is if Nat doesn't kill me first. I slowly take few steps back as she follows for every step towards me.

"Buck... if you don't hear from me in the next 24 hours... it was all Nat." I slowly said as I turn off the call without looking away from Nat.

"It doesn't have to get ugly Y/n." Nat lowly says as she glares at me.

"Me and you both know its too late for that Natasha..." I look at her as I take a defense stance.

"I just want to know where she is." Nat cocks her head at me as she stops walking.

We where now standing beside a holographic table, we stood there looking at each other for a minute. Not even a second later I roll over the top of the table and run out the queinjet into a field. Nat right behind me jumps on my back as I yelp.

"Just tell me!" Nat yelled as she tried taking hold of my hands to put them behind my back.

I shove her off with a gust of air as we both stand up and take a position stance. We circle around each other.

"Where's Wanda?"

"I Don't know what you talking about."

"You know red hair, best friend, with red powers? Ring a bell?" She smirks at me. 

"Nope." I smirk as well before we both tun towards each other.

We start to punch and doge each other blows. As she gets a few good kicks and hits I bring out a stream of water that I had that was in a pouch on my waist. With the stream I use it as a wip and strike down towards Nat, which she doges but every other one I get a hit on her. She comes running up to me when she sees my water ran out, I didn't have time to look up as she throws her legs around my neck and brings me down with her. She holds me by my neck as I try to pry her off me, I couldn't use my powers unless I really wanted to hurt her.

"Where is she? I know you know!" Nat tells me as I still struggle. She puts more pressure on me then grabs my arm and stretched it out making me grunt.

"N/n!!" Nat grits out as I give her small amounts of sparks of electricity through my hand she's holding. She pulls harder as she pushes my body the other direction making me tap her leg. She automatically lets go to let me breathe as I was having trouble to.

"You know the rules... tell me what I want to know." She huffs as she catches her breath. I cough a few times before giving her the stink eye.

"Who ever made that rule is a dick." I huff she laughs.

"You did, you dickhead." She smacks me back as I sit up.

"She went to see Vision. She said she wouldn't be gone long." I huff as I lay on my back.

"My God, N/n... how long this been going on?"

"Long enough that you didn't notice for over a year." I chuckle as I make fun of her spy skills, she kicks me before standing up and reaches for my hand to pull me up.

"Come on, Steve got a call." She tells me as we head back inside the jet to get it started.

"From him? What wrong?" I ask

"Not Tony, Bruce. And Something out of this world."

Ghost Whisper- Bucky Barns X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now