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Cassidy's POV

"Caz wake up we leave in an hour." I grunted and turned away from Taylor. "Baby face wake up. As soon as we get on the bus we can go back to sleep." he kissed my lips and I pulled away pushing him off the bed. I slept in his last night with him.

"That is sick Taylor. We both have morning breath." I said getting up and getting dressed.

"You have tasty morning breath." I walked out with my tooth brush.

"Brush you're teeth then you can kiss me." I sad brushing my teeth. He sighed and went to the bathroom.

After we were done we had forty five minutes until the bus was going to be here. I curled up on the ground next to Jax and fell asleep. Then when the bus got here Taylor carried me to the bus.

"Best boyfriend award goes to you." Oh yea. Me and Taylor are together now.

"Yea mhm sure." he said. Dillon came and sat next to me.

"Hey Cassidy." he did a little wave.

"Hi." I said falling Over on my side almost going to sleep. I didn't get much sleep cuz Taylor wouldn't help me pack and I didn't pack until midnight.

"Yo is she high or something?" One of the guys said.

"No I'm not high just really tired."

"Caz go lay in one of the bunks so we don't keep you up." Taylor said sitting by my head. I took my shoes off and curled up in his lap. I pulled the hood up on his hoodie I was wearing and pulled the strings.

"How are ya'll morning people?" I asked. They laughed.

"We're used to it. My girl is sleeping in my bunk right now. She said that if we wake her up she'd chop our balls off then sell them on eBay." Mikey said. Mikey Murphy.

"I like her already." I said.

"I think we all are going back to bed. We have two hours until we get to the hotel." Dillon said. Taylor nodded and picked me up.

We of course had the top bunk, Taylor knowing that I'm short helped me up. We laid down and I cuddled into his chest and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Go to sleep love. We got a long ride." Taylor said. I looked up at him and kissed his lips. He kissed back and pulled me on top of him. as we kissed his hands traveled up and down my sides. He pulled away and smiled.

"I'm not trying to be pervy or anything but I like your butt. It's like a black girls butt, but it's a white girls booty that's cute and snooty." Then he grabbed my butt and squeezed it.

"Taylor." I gasped quietly.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help it." he kissed my lips.

"Taylor I don't feel tired no more." I giggled.

"Wow caz. Well I guess I'll just have to leave you alone then. I'm tired." He took his shirt off and laid on his stomach.

I got the blanket and put it over my shoulders and laid on top of him. I kissed his shoulder a few times and laid down.

"Are you mad we can't get it in?" I asked.

"No not really. You?" He asked.

"Nope. But I'm just letting you know that if you want to I want to. I love you Taylor. I really do. And I'm not trying to sound like I am needy for sex. By the way, when lacy said I had sex a lot I have only had sex two times." I babbled on.

"Caz baby, I know and I don't care. I'm not with you to have sex. I'm with because I like you. I like you because you're just amazing." He said. I stayed quiet because I realised I said I loved him and he didn't say it back.

He turned around so he was on his back. He grabbed my cheeks to kiss me. "Plus if I really wanted to it wouldn't be sex it would be love and I'm willing to break the law." he paused and searched my eyes. "I love you too by the way." he kissed my forehead and turned on his side.

I smiled because he fell asleep with his head on my stomach while I was playing with his hair. I love this kid too much.

I didn't fall asleep at all except for five minutes. Taylor woke up because Dillon was screaming that we were at the hotel.

"Taylor let's hurry up and get to our room." I said pulling him, who was the thing with our suite cases on it.

"Caz, slow down." Taylor said pushing the up button for our floor. When we got in the room there were two beds a couch and a TV. Wasn't very big but I doubt that we'll be in here that much. Mikey and his girlfriend Sammi walked in.

"Guys I'm hungry can we go eat?" I asked the guys nodded.

Me and Sammi got dressed so we didn't look like bums. I got dressed in really high high tops, skinny acid washed jeans, a loose all black belly shirt and did my hair in a messy, loose braid.

Sammi got dressed in pretty much the same thing except her jeans were just darker than mine. I think me and this girl is gonna be my best friend.

"Wow." we said as we looked each other. "You look hot." we said at the same time again.

"Girls are you ready. I want to eat before I'm dead." Taylor said. I face palmed.

"Taylor that didn't make any sense." he shrugged and grabbed my hand.

"Let's go." He said walking out the door with me holding onto him. Miley and Sammi following us. With our luck everybody left with out us so we just decided to go across the street and get Taco Bell I didn't mind as long as I got food.

"Ugh. I wish we didn't have a show tomorrow. It's to soon." Mikey groaned, Taylor nodded.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked referring to me and Sammi.

"You can either stay back stage for four hours or go to the mall or something." Taylor said.

"We'll go to the mall." me and Sammi said at the same time.

"That's creepy." Taylor said taking a bite of his burrito.

"No what's creepy is that you are dating somebody underage." Some girl said I rolled my eyes.

"Listen, mind your own damn business it's only illegal if we have sex. We aren't going to have sex!" I said. I walked back to Taylor and cuddled into his side. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my head. Sammi looked at us and smiled.

"I think you guys are adorable." she said, Mikey nodded agreeing.

"Thanks." I looked up at Taylor. "I love you."

"I love you too." he smiled.

"Let's get going. All I wanna do is lay around the hotel room." Sammi said.

"Same!" I called out.

We walked back to the hotel and didn't nothing but watch movies and cuddle with our significant other. Wow so cheesy. But it's true. I love Taylor.

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