working for the weekend- chapter 5

Start from the beginning

I focused on my work, finding myself glancing at the clock more than normal. It felt like today was crawling by at a snail's pace, the clock moving slower every time I looked at it. I was definitely excited for my date with Troy, but I was also nervous.

To be completely open about myself, I was terrified of trampolines. Don't know why I am, or why I agreed to go to a trampoline place for a date, but here we are.

Me: hey uh, what are you doing tonight.

Jess: Not a lot...why?

Me: i have a date w troy this weekend

Jess: Okay, this concerns me how?

Me: it's at that new trampoline place by maggies diner

Jess: Aren't you afraid of trampolines?

Me: yah, that's why you're coming over.

Jess: Too bad. I can't. Guess you'll have to get over your weird fear alone.

"Uh, excuse me, I have a question," a student said, scaring me a bit.

"Sorry about that. How can I help?" I asked, dropping my phone into my lap and turning towards them.

"I wanted to check out this book, but there's just... a slice of cheese in it? It has the pages stuck together. Do you have another copy of it?" they asked, handing me a book.

"God dammit," I grumbled, knowing that only one student would do this, "Yeah. Let me go grab it from the back." I got up and walked to the back office.

I sat the book in the repair pile, even though I doubted it could be saved, and rummaged through our new book boxes. I've gotten into the habit of ordering a new copy of books that spray cheese Bill checks out. It's just safer that way.

"Ah, a new cheese attack. You should just ban him," Connor laughed, snapping my attention to him.

"Yeah, he used cheese as a bookmark again. Guess neither of us caught it when he returned it," I groaned. I finally found the book and turned to leave, but Connor stood in my way.

"Cheese bookmarks? What has this world come to?" he let out a chuckle as he leaned against the doorway.

"Pure chaos," I laughed as I tried to squeeze by him.

"What's chaos is you not giving me a chance," he said, sticking his arm out so I couldn't walk by.

"Nah, what's gonna be chaos is finding a new job if you don't stop harassing me," I stated, knocking his arm out of my way. I walked back up front and gave the student the book they were asking for. After they left, I glanced at the back office to see if Connor had stayed back there.

I could see him angrily tapping away on his phone. Who knows what he was doing, but hopefully, he got the memo this time.

"Hey, Maisy!" Troy asked, running up to my desk, "How much time until you're off work?"

"Uh, like two hours. Why?" I asked.

"Can I steal you for a second? It's a library emergency," he winked, holding his hand out.

"I guess, let me tell Connor to come to the front," I giggled, rushing to the back. I told Connor to head up front, but he didn't respond. He just went and sat at the desk. I shrugged it off and went back up to Troy.

"The emergency is this way," Troy stated, ushering me out of the library.

"How is it a library emergency if it's not in the library?" I struggled to keep up with Troy as he ran down the hall.

"Well, you see, you're a librarian. So, you're smart. And we have a problem that a smart person needs to solve," he explained. A few seconds later, I realized we were outside of the Dean's office.

"You didn't," I gasped, looking behind him. I could see Abed holding a raccoon, sitting on the Dean's desk.

"We did. We only fed Reno things raccoons can eat. But now she won't get off of Abed," he stated.

I shuffled past him and into the office.

"Ah, Miss James! I didn't know you were a raccoon expert," the Dean smiled.

"I'm not," I mumbled, looking at Abed.

"Please help me," Abed said, looking down at the raccoon in his lap.

At first glance, it looked like he was holding the raccoon, but oh no, Reno was holding him. Clinging to him for dear life, even.

"How did this happen?" I asked, trying not to laugh.

"Reno wanted a snack, so we came to provide them. When I sat down the bag, she climbed onto me, and now she won't let go."

I nodded, reaching out to pet Reno. She was pretty soft and seemed nice enough.

"Okay, I have an idea," I glanced around the office, "hand me that cage. Wait, why do you have a cage in-nevermind. I don't want to know."

The Dean let out an awkward giggle and handed me the cage. I set it down on the table next to me and put the bag of fruit the boys had brought in at the back of it. Reno immediately leaped into the cage, and I closed it behind her. She munched happily on her strawberries, Abed finally breathing again in relief.

"That was... a lot easier than I thought. Thanks," Troy laughed.

"My pleasure. I need to get back, though," I smiled, turning to leave.

"Wait, let me walk you back. Tis' the least I can do," Troy said.

"Why, thank you! I suppose that would be alright," I agreed, and we walked back to the library.

"Ah, so you get to leave your job to go gallivant with lover boy? Convenient," Connor huffed, standing up from the desk.

"She was requested by the Dean," Troy explained.

"I'm sure she was. I'm leaving early. Have a good weekend," Connor shook his head and stomped away.

"Are you gonna be okay? Do you need any help in here?" Troy asked.

"Yeah, I'll be okay. I'll just have Ally come in early today. You get back to class, I'll see you tomorrow," I smiled. We stood there awkwardly for a moment before I put my arm around him and gave him a side hug.

"Thanks," he chuckled, "I'll see you tomorrow."

He walked away, and I went back to my desk, cringing at myself for that pathetic display. God, who gives a side hug as a thank you? I made sure to text Ally to have her come in early, and I waited out the rest of the day, ready for tomorrow to get here.

Librarian Blues❖Troy BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now