From your peripheral vision, you noticed yet another demon lunging towards you - which you wouldn't be able to react in time. With Tanjirou occupied with the other demon, you soon came to terms with this: you were going to die.

You closed your eyes tightly, preparing for the final blow. However, it never came. You cracked your eyes open, seeing the head of the demon receive a heavy kick to it - which made it rotate in a full circle.

You averted your gaze to a certain ravenette with bright pink eyes - Nezuko. Veins were bulging out of her head as her pupils turned into slits. Additionally, drool dropped down her chin from behind her muzzle.

You let a small smile grace your face as you slightly relaxed, "..Nezuko!" Kazumi paled in the background, while Tanjirou gaped at his sister.

The moment was quickly ruined once the demon butted in, "Why are mere humans like you.. being accompanied by a demon?"

Nezuko jumped out of her box, before wiping the drool off of her chin. Her features then softened once she took sight of both Kazumi, and the unconscious girl he cradled within his arms.

She made her way over to the two, caressing their cheeks - her eyes softening. Then, she turned over to you, her softened features turning slightly tense upon noticing your injuries.

You couldn't help but feel guilty for bleeding in front of the girl. Deep down, you knew it was the main cause of her drooling.

She quickly made her way over to you, cupping your cheeks within her hands as she furrowed her brows. You frowned, tears pricking your eyes, "I'm sorry, Nezuko.."

The girl reached down to your side, trying to examine your injury. However, upon making contact with your blood, she hissed and recoiled in pain. Your eyes quickly widened as you stared at her in shock, 'Wait.. what?'

Tanjirou made his way to his sister's side in a panic, "Nezuko! Are you okay?!" The girl in question held out her hand, countless, burning holes littering it.

You instantly felt déjà vu -  it was exactly like the time you were first transported to this world. He did agonizingly scream once licking your blood. However, the only difference was - Nezuko didn't consume a single drop of yours.

'This.. is my fault!'

More guilt welled up inside of you, "Nezuko, I'm so sorry! This is all my fault! Are you okay?!" Nezuko feigned ignorance to her brother's concern, placing a reassuring hand on your head as she gave you a smile beneath her muzzle.

She averted her focus towards the demon, veins bulging from her head once more as her eyes turned back into slits. She lunged for it, raising her foot as high as she could before bringing it downwards - aiming for the head.

The demon dodged at the last second, before retreating into the swamp once more. As Nezuko was about to pursue it, Tanjirou called for her, "Nezuko! Don't follow it! Come back to where we are!"

Nezuko nodded, turning towards the two of you, before she began to trot over. However, as she hummed happily over to the both of you, a demon lunged for her from behind.

Yours and Tanjirou's faces contorted into ones of panic. Despite your panic, Nezuko had already sensed the demon, merely backflipping over it. You cheered, relief washing over you, "Yeah, Nezuko! You show it what you're made of!"

Upon reaching the two of you, she smiled at your cheers - the ones only she could understand. Tanjirou pondered for a quick second, before stepping forward in front of goo that the demon left behind. He turned to face you, "Will you be okay, if I go under?"

𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑳𝑳𝑨𝑹  ⤶ 「 𝑲𝑵𝒀 𝑿 𝑴𝑶𝑫𝑬𝑹𝑵 𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑫𝑬𝑹 」Where stories live. Discover now