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We decided the next day to go back, figuring in the daylight we'd be safe. As we walk down the street towards the entrance to the woods we saw police cars, but no one around. Curious, we headed for the farm. As we approached, we heard voices talking. We got to the clearing and come face to face with several people. Some in police uniforms, some not and some ambulance people. We glanced towards the barn, and we saw something on a gurney in a bag or covers. Hanna screamed and everyone suddenly noticed our presence at the edge of the clearing. The men with the gurney rush out of sight and two cops rush over to us, telling us we need to leave. Dennis swallowed nervously as I turned Hanna away from the scene and proceed to tell our tale. Soon they are saying they have to speak with our parents and we're in a police car headed home.

A few days later, we found out a girl was killed and found in the barn. A man had kidnapped her and when she tried to escape, he killed her. They found other remains in the barn too some were from a while back. I don't know if they ever said who they were. But a month later we ventured back to the bloody farm and to find all traces of it gone. We used the area to play laser tag one night and we saw a girl we didn't know. I tried once to ask her to join us, but she vanished without a trace. I think maybe it was the girl we heard scream that night.

As far as I know, they never caught the man...

***Names have been changed to protect the innocent

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