dimension destruction

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(Agatha's POV)

'I just wanted a new friend! Why is this mortal so hard to catch? I'm starting to get mad, he speed boosted away again and he has almost taken all my friends, if he keeps this up, he will take the ring piece and daddy will get angry!' I have almost reached my limit trying to catch Doug, I hate the idea of him getting away with all my 'friends', it would be so boring without them.

As Doug collected the last soul shard I began to rage, trapping him in a room and trying my best to defeat him, but to no avail, he still won in the end, escaping with the ring piece and his life. All my hard work had been for nothing, I grapped some paint and begun angrily drawing him like I had done for Bierce.

While drawing my 3rd picture of him on one of the walls I heard a strange sound, it sounded like glass breaking continuously. I teleported to the source to see my world breaking apart like glass, it slowly got faster and faster.

I stood there in complete shock as it approached me. I teleported to the portal the Mortal escaped in wondering if I could escape using it as well, it didn't work, it was black instead of red and had the shape of a lock in the middle.

"Agatha." I heard a voice and turned my head to see Malak standing next to me. "Agatha, I don't know what the mortal or Bierce did but your dimension is being destroyed. As I am a merciful boss, I will give you a second chance by saving you. Understand that I will never help you escape a dimension again, so don't get your hopes up." I nodded as he reached for my hand, which I took.

When I opened my eyes I was no longer in a school, but in front of a seemingly abandoned castle,"Agatha, you will stay here until I can find a way to fix your dimension." "Okay daddy!" I said happily,"Also, stop calling me that, I am not your father figure but your boss." He said slowly.

"Daddy, why aren't you angry?" "Agatha, are you deaf? I said don't call me that! And I AM angry!" He snapped. I became quiet at that. He disappeared without another word, while I looked around confused as to why he brought me here. A approached the castle and entered the long hallway which simply lead to another door, halfway through a light in the next room turned on and two animatronic animals, a rabbit and a chicken, stood at the glass.

The rabbit named Lucky was about to speak when he noticed my long hands and face, he seemed surprised to see the child apparition, (I think thats what she is dont come at me) he turned to Penny who was next to him and begun whispering something to her. When he stopped he looked at me and began to speak,"Hello Agatha! Long time no see eh?" "Yup!" Penny said before I had a chance to respond, Lucky glared at her before I giggled and teleported behind the glass with them.

"So guys, does this mean I'm going to live with you now?" I said, they both looked shocked at those words, it makes sense, why would they already know my dimension collapsed for an unknown reason.

"What do you mean?" Penny said,"My home was destroyed!" I said happily. Lucky only nodded, grabbed my arm, and begun to drag me somewhere.
End of chapter because I don't have anymore ideas.

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