Part 3. The Thaumaturge

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Professor Claudius was on top of the tallest tower of Kakhard-Toon – one of the most prominent and ancient schools for event formers in entire Magnus-Terram. His snow-white mantle fluttered gracefully under a strong northern wind, as did his white goatee. He leaned on his healthy left leg and contemplated the wonderful torrents of information breaking in from beyond the immense blue sky. The torrents were gradually increasing in size, turning into a glow that filled the whole space between the sky and the earth. Wizards called it an informational storm and thought that it came from the sun, together with the waves of light.

But Claudius knew otherwise. Being a thaumaturge, he could see the non-linear part of the storms, along with their artificial nature. The thaumaturges ascribed their creation to the so-called Supremes. Nobody knew who these Supremes were – gods, humans or some sort of aliens. Some said they had come to Terram before the Great Migration, others believed they were here even before the arrival of the first true Kakhard. The informational waves of Supremes were very different to those of mere mortals. The shape was more elegant and sophisticated, with an incomparably large spectral range. They shimmered with a multitude of colors, which invoked a harmony of audio and tactile feelings among mortals throughout the vast territories of the planet. Light and information reflected in a very special way at such surfaces, causing the creatures they reached to experience unusual emotions and intentions. Today, as the professor could see, it was excessive curiosity.

A weak perturbation reached Claudius from the courtyard below. He peered down suspiciously, detecting three gray mantles with pitch black ravens depicted on their backs – the symbol of the Special League. Forgetting about the informational storm, Claudius turned away from the sky and hobbled down to meet the guests.

As he came closer, he recognized O'Dreeaen among them – a young brown-haired chief of the Special League and an original wizard. At his right strode the local pathfinder Grey-Hawk, who had a deep, fresh scar across his face. The third agent was unknown to Claudius.

'Welcome to Kakhard-Toon!' he greeted them from afar. 'My name is Claudius, and I am the headmaster of the school. Though, you should know who I am. How can I help you?'

'We have an urgent edict from the king, Professor,' O'Dreeaen said, pulling a scroll of parchment from his inner pocket. 'The four stelas of Svalen are to be unsealed. One of your disciples must come with us and help fulfil the task.'

The professor slowed his pace, peering perplexedly at the agents. He knew this was the fourth order the king had made in the last twenty-four hours and the most senseless among them. 'There must be some misunderstanding, gentlemen. The stelas are nothing but mean pieces of rock where some old things of the first true Kakhard were bricked up. They don't even have historical interest. Someone must have misled the king. I am sure I can persuade him to withdraw the edict, if only I could have some time,' he said, smiling.

'There is no time, Claudius,' O'Dreeaen said dismissively. 'The order is urgent. It must be implemented straight away. Now, lead us to the specialists who can help us with the task.'

Claudius glanced at the expressionless Grey-Hawk and back at O'Dreeaen, who shook the roll of parchment idly in his hand. There was definitely something very wrong going on in the castle. 'Could you please hand me the order, honorable O'Dreeaen?' he spoke at last, reaching out his hand.

O'Dreeaen shrugged and transferred the scroll to Claudius. While the professor read, the agent took a chance to study a small element earring the old thaumaturge had on his right ear. It was made of white gold, though the most important detail was lodged at its bottom – a miniature white hurricane that spun clockwise on a small golden stand, bouncing in place from time to time. The wild element. O'Dreeaen knew all students and professors of Kakhard-Toon wore such earrings. He could also have had one if he'd become a disciple of Kakhard-Toon. He'd rejected it to become an agent of the Special League and serve his young King Friedmund during the most dramatic period in Svalen's history.

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