a rap of biding

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♡ now playing: by gorillaz ♡

The telling 'KABOOM!' of explosions set your mind into motion. Looks like he found Midoriya and Ochako! If Midoriya was smart, he'd run away from Bakugo. He'd probably bring Ochako with him... in that case, you could perform a crooked pincer attack with Bakugo. However... you doubt he'd work together with you.

Even more likely was Bakugo making sure Midoriya had to fight him, no matter what. Perhaps Ochako would sneak up on you? That definitely made more sense, even if the former would be a more effective solution for the pair. Thank God for Bakugo's stubbornness, it might just make holding off Ochako easier.

Although, what else can you do whilst you wait for Ochako and Midoriya? Maybe you could practice your ability to intimidate her!

As far as you were aware, simply being in this form doesn't wrest too much energy from you. In that case, it shouldn't be too harmful to use your full power. Inhaling, you spread your feet a good distance away from each other.

Intertwining your hands, you begun to channel your love away from your heart. Honestly, if your parents hadn't deeply researched others with your quirk, you'd never know you had this form.

The telltale tingle of skin shifting around your body still made you uneasy, it felt weird.

Opening your eyes, you flicked your tail to see it. Good, that's in check! Running a hand up your forehead, the marble-esque texture of your curved horns was ever the same. Flexing your wings, you beat them, flying up slightly before landing as quickly as you left off. With a flick of your pointed ears and a swipe of your tongue over those pointed, gnarly whites, you assured yourself.

Flicking a hand to your ear piece, you mumbled into the mic. "Katsu, how's it going?"

However, all that met you were explosions and screaming. Gotcha!

Turning it off after flinching from the pure loudness of it all, you pat the paper mache bomb.

"Alright big guy! Even if Team A gets through Bakugo, they're gonna have to fight the sexy succubus lord! Mwahaha!" You pointed towards the door, tail wagging excitedly. You couldn't help it! This form got you up in your head, reaching peak levels of cringe previously thought impossible.

A spurt of chuckling came from behind the pillar.

You quirked a brow, a devilish smirk tugging at your lips. With a crack of your wrists, you grabbed a pheromone bottle from your leg pouch. With a swift tap of your elongated, claw-like nails the glass bottle shattered, filling the room with an aromatic mist. Outstretching your hand, you began to absorb the libido-enhancing mist.

"Ochako-chan... come out and play~" You teased, pivoting towards the pillar she hid behind.

At this, Ochako's heart stuttered. At first it was funny, you were really cute! But you never used formalities... and it didn't even sound polite, it sounded like it was meant to be a tease! And something about the way you spoke... Stepping out from the pillar, Ochako did a double take at your form. Woah! Where'd those come from?

Whatever! She had to focus. She made note of the bits of debris that littered the floor. That could be useful, as much as she doesn't want to hurt you.

Wings flexing, you gave her a big grin, fangs peeking out. Diving forward, Ochako only had so much time to dodge. You dug your feet into the floor, whipping around, you bent backwards from her outstretched hand. As if to throw salt on a demon, you flung your hand towards her, a pink mist shooting outwards.

"Ochako-chan..." You muttered with a lick of your lips. Making a come hither motion with your finger, you only observed with bated breath as she fought against her heart's will. Heavy breaths left the two of you, before she made a leap for the core.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2022 ⏰

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