I - Umbrella

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I didn't even notice my taxi driver speed off without me; perhaps he snapped up a new customer, or perhaps it was me stranded, staring googly eyed at him; A curly haired boy I had just managed to scope out through the corner of my eye before loading myself into the taxi. He was standing quite far from me, under a small verandah; a shelter under the pouring rain. This boy seemed to catch my eye, although he was quite lanky, rather tall, and his black curly hair was covering most of his face.. except his grey eyes which were looking up into the monochromatic clouds. Instantaneously, his eyes looked my way, and eventually at me. 

My legs carried me faster than I thought, over to the boy who was MUCH taller than I anticiptaed as I analyzed him from afar. He towered over me like a lamp pole, tall and mysterious, except for that gorgeous face. I absentmindedly stared at him for god knows how long, when suddenly thunder struck and pulled me out of my subconciousness.

"You look like you'll need this," I handed him my umbrella wihtout thinking about my situation. "Here, i'll walk you to a cab." I smiled at him, a blush slowly creeping onto my face.

He let out a small chuckle; perhaps that was him agreeing and saying thankyou sublty? Or laughing at my offer? I decided to take a chance and started to walk to the desolate roadside; adjacent from where we were both standing. 

"Hey! Wait up!," I heard his long strides follow behind me.

 The boy immediatly brushed his hand against mine as he reached for the handle of the umbrella; I obviously wasnt holding it high enough for him. Embarrassing. Although what would be more embarrassing is that he felt my shiver when he touched my hand..

The boy jumped right into conversation, and apparently so did I. He just mezmerized me.

"Its quite gloomy today, isnt it?" he inquired, still looking up at the sky, his eyes mirroring the shade of the packed clouds. 

"Although I do find I look extremely handsome in this weather, it compliments my features, doesn't it?" He joked, like he was full of himself. I laughed a little too.

"Well, I must agree you are attractive," I said in a sarcastic voice as not to admit such facts. "but your sense of style does need-"

"Re-evaluation... on your part?" A mischevious smile bloomed on his face.

I scoffed and shook my head while laughing silently. 

"Probably, but that scarf needs to be burned."

"If only there was a blazing fire to chuck it into nearby.." he giggled. 

Wait... was he suggesting I invite him to my apartment? Or we suddenly become arsonists and he would willingly throw that god awful scarf into a trash can on fire? 

My overthinking nearly got the best of me before he snapped me out of it.

The boy held out his hand to bait a taxi, instantaneously a car came rolling up to the both of us.

"You can take this ride, I still have the umbrella if I have to wait." I smiled reluctantly, not wanting to end the conversation with him.

All I heard was the patter of the rain and the boy's breathing like he was gathering the courage to do something.

"Hey, how 'bout we take this one together; its on me. Wherever you need to go." 

I didnt want to be rude, nor lose sight of this complete stranger. But it was like being lured into bed with the fantasy that you will have an amazing dream, or into the kitchen with your favourite food. 

Oh god. I'm acting like im being baited and that im about to be kidnapped. 


His concerned face; I assume was hoping that I wouldn't reject his offer, now turned into that newly comforting smile, as he ruffled the droplets of the umbrella into the gutter, and followed after me in the back seat of the car.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2022 ⏰

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