Part 5: true prophecy

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you jolted out of your sleep at yelling "¡mamá! ¡papá!" you jumped down and watched the princes run off, you hid behind a pillar, making sure you were out of sight as the princess dragged the king and queen into the large library, she began babbling on about the table in the center "you sound loco mija..." the king yawned "please papá, just help me line up the rooster!" she said in excitement, the king sighed and pushed the table it shifting slightly, he looked surprised but kept pushing until the rooster was lined up, your eyes widened in shock as you watched it unfold, a missive statue of a rooster wizard came out of the wall, the princess squealed in excitement "mamá! help me line up this one!" she said as her mother climbed up tot the second disk that came out of the bigger first one.

a skull archer emerged from the wall, she jumped up the the last circle and pushed it so hard she fell on her face, a puma worrier statue came from the wall, you backed up a bit, accidently hitting a button that made a small figurine of... you! pop out of the tables "oh. my. GODS... what does it all mean...?" the king asked, the princes jumped down, grabbing the small figurine on the way "we got the prophecy all wrong! the true prophecy is that a rooster wizard, skull archer, puma worrier and the princess of chaos will help the little eagle banish the dark gods to save the world of man!" she squealed, the queen looked puzzled "but where are we going to find these legendary warriors?" she asked as the eagle head began to bend down "I think were about to find out!" Maya said as she rushed after the light beam produced by the eagles head.

it bounced off of three pillar and one pillar in the center, sending a beam straight into the sky, the other three to different parts of the land "this is so awesome! ok so the puma worrier will be in the the golden mountains, the skull archer in the jungle lands and the rooster wizard on Luna island and the princess of chaos is... here?" she said in an inquisitive tone, you sighed and stepped out of the shadows you had blended into so well "I know your probably not happy to see me but yes I'm here" they all got on the defensive, you walked to the princess and put a hand on her shoulder "looks like we are working together, Amiga" you said with a huff "wait why?" you face palmed and pointed to the eagle, then to the king and queen "they are both obviously ex-eagle warriors" she still looked confused "your little eagle?" you said.

she gasped and smiled, then fainted into your arm, you looked back up at the king and queen sheepishly "so uhh... how have you two been?". you were now in the library after gathering your stuff as you waited for Maya to go over her plan in the other room, you picked up the figurine ass its eyes glowed a light blue fire, it intrigued you, suddenly the doors slammed open and Maya strutted in in some armor "so your name was Y/N right?" she said with a proud smile, you smiled back and nodded "yes and you are princess Maya!" you said as you stood up and offered your hand, she shook it and laughed "just call me Maya" you nodded as you let go "also quick thing I learnt yesterday" she looked at you with a smile "I'm technically not your sister, I have a human mother that hated me"

"really? wow" she looked at you with a straight face "yeah" you smiled "but hay I didn't need her anyways" Maya tilted her head "weren't you sad when you found out?" you shrugged "yeah, but sadness isn't permanent so why dwell on it" you said with a grin as she led you out of the library "chiapa will take you to Luna island, do not separate, and princess of chaos, any harm comes to my daughter, your dead" the queen said as she kissed her daughters cheek, you got onto the big cat, much to its protest and Maya commanded it to run, little eagle and princess chaos on their first adventure!


word count: 732 

the princess of chaos ((Zatz x !!female!! reader))Where stories live. Discover now