2- Musutafu

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We finally landed. Mom stopped by to grab some coffee. It's like a snicker for her. She's not herself when she's craving. You and rye sit by and wait for mom while dad is figuring out a car situation. We always rent cars. It's just easier transportation. Mom comes back not only with a latte but a new friend. A spikey blonde haired woman. A brunette follows after her. "Kids, Sylvester, this is my childhood friend Mitsuki Bakugo!" Childhood friend? Out of all the summers you've been in Japan, you've never once seen the woman. "We were best friends in highshool!". Mom seemed too excited for this Mitsuki to just be a stranger. Maybe it's the coffee. You smile and wave. Rye stands right up. " Rye (l/n), 12-years old, quirk: speed, and a total badass." he bows but is quickly met with the hand of your over caffeinated mother. "Language!".

"It's okay Miki, my own has a mouth of a sailor." Mom and the woman laugh together. "Well Mitsuki is coming home from a vacation to the Bahamas with her husband Masaru." The brunette who's face is stuffed in his phone finally acknowledges our presence. Then dad comes by finally done finalizing our ride and greets the Bakugo's. "How rude of me, I should invite you people over for dinner tonight".

"No need, we need to get settled in" dad suggests but is quickly shout down by mom. "No hun, I want to catch up with Mitzuki and finally meet her son. And (y/n) could probably use more friends other than Zee". Zee is your bestfriend. She lives in Japan and every year when you visit y'all have a week long sleepover. She's like a sister to you. Y'all are constantly on facetime when you're back home. You give another smile to please my high on caffeine mother. "Mitzuki, Katsuki won't like the company all of a sudden, maybe tomorrow? And they have to get settled in." The brunette which you already forgot his name protests. You put your airpods back in and start listening to Brent again. Mitsuki? Katsuki? Ma-something? Too many people. Too fast. We just got here. And You haven't even seen Obaasan yet.


We made it to our apartment for the next two months. This year we got an apartment next to my Obaasans. She is just the cutest. We got settled and went over to Obaasans house for our welcoming party. Yes, you heard me right. Every time we visit Japan, Minzi and Marco go crazy with the whole welcoming committee thing. I mean I wouldn't blame them. They don't have any kids of their own so when you and Rye come over for the summer, they get their panties all in a twist. The night usually ends with a battle to their death game of uno and leaves the whole family torn apart...for about a hour and then we eat cake.

Walking up to Obaasans bright pink door reminds me of what we did all last summer. You're so excited to see her. Dad knock's on the neon door and waits for an answer. But no one opens the door? Weird. Obaasan is always so happy to greet her two grand babies. Mom then gets annoyed and knocks a little harder. The door creaks open a bit. The apartment is pitch black. This shit is like straight out of a horror movie and if you think i'm stepping foot in that house you gotta be stupid."Oh hell no" Rye says as he takes a step back. Mom lays a flick on his forehead. She then opens the door and proceeds to walk in the dark apartment. "Mom? We arrived". We all take a step forward into the apartment a little on edge. Finally when we all make it inside and dad flicks the light switch-



"Miki my babyyyyyy <3333"

"Awe our little Y/n has boobs now"

You almost about shit yourself. We have never had a surprise welcoming party. And they're talking about your boobs? What does that have to do with welcoming your favorite niece?

"Minzi Marco, awe i've missed my little twin siblings" mom says as she ruffles Marcos hair.

"Get your wrinkly ass hands off my hair"

"Language you trash bin, we cannot be bad influences to our niece and nephew" Minzi says and she hold her head up high.

"Baby Rye and y/n, come give gran gran a hug" Obaasan says with a motion to give her a hug.

Oh the sweet papaya smell Obaasan radiates as she holds us in a warm embrace. You've missed this. You've missed her. You give Obaasan a kiss on the cheek and she returns the favor. The whole family does their greets and we sit to eat. Obaasans always trying to make Canadian cuisine when we visit. Every year it's her disgusting poutine. We know she tries so we all lie and tell her it's so delicious. At least she thinks so. We catch up and finish up dinner. You and Rye give each other the "look". Which basically initiates our family game time! But when y'all exchanged the "look" Minzi and Marco had other plans.


Yes, you are upset about going to the movies. And rightfully so. You wanted to see your family fall apart for the millionth time as you win and dust the family in uno! You would pout but Rye is already doing so. Kicking his legs like a damn five year old. And you wouldn't wanna miss out on using this against him in the future, so you snap and few photos.

"Come on (y/n), this crazy horror movie just came out and I want to see Rye cry and pee his pants!" Marco taunts your brother who in fact stopped wailing like a baby and is now giving the grown man a death stare.

"Oooohhh, Marco has a death wish" Minzi taunts.

"I just really like uno, beating you guys gives me joy" you say.

"Let's face it, you use your quirk and cheat every time!"

"I do not! You guys just aren't as skilled as me at my craft."

"You're so dramatic y/n, we're going to the movies and that's final. It also gives that old hag you call mother some rest."

"Okay Marco, I might be twelve years older but at least i'm not balding at the age of 25"

Yea, that's your mom. With the slickest comebacks. You huff and puff but it doesn't change Marco nor Minzis mind. You really wanted to dust off your uno skills and leave the family quaking, but I guess that's for another day. And off we went to the movie theater.


Thank you guys for reading another one of my chapters. I hope so far you're enjoying the story. Please let me know any ideas of you want to contribute. Please let me know if any error in my story aswell and as always I appreciate you luvbugs!!

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