Chapter 12 - St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries

Start from the beginning

Ginny shrugged and they walked hand in hand to the Headmistress' office. They came to the newly restored gargoyle and stopped.

Harry said, "Lemon drop," and nothing happened. "Chocolate Frog–Cockroach Cluster–Toffee Eclair–Fizzing Whizbee–," still the gargoyle did not leap aside.

"Peanutbutter Pixie–Exploding Bonbon–Ice Mice–," Ginny tried.

Then it hit Harry. Dumbledore was no longer Headmaster. McGonagall would not have chosen different kinds of sweets as a password.

"Damn," he muttered.

"Potter, Ms. Weasley–what do you think you're doing?"

They spun around, "Professor!" Harry exclaimed. "We came to see you. We–"

"Jubilee" McGonagall said to the gargoyle who, then, slid aside.

"Never would of guessed that," Harry muttered to Ginny as they followed McGonagall up the revolving staircase and into her office.

"Sit down," she gestured to the chairs.

"Professor," Harry said quickly. "Professor, we were wondering–could we–"

"We want to return home for the rest of Christmas break," Ginny finished and Harry nodded.

She looked at them over her square spectacles. "You two know very well the Hogwarts Express left three days ago. And I daresay you two chose to stay for the holidays?"

"Yes, Professor, but–"

"I'm sorry, Potter, you know the rules. You and Ms. Weasley, here, will stay at Hogwarts for the remaining ten days of holiday."

"But Professor, it's Teddy Lupin–he's–he's sick in St. Mungo's" Ginny pleaded.

McGonagall's face softened but she remained stubborn, "I really am sorry–"

"Let them go, Minerva," said a voice from behind McGonagall. Harry looked up and saw Dumbledore. He was no longer in the biggest frame directly behind the Headmaster's chair, Severus Snape was, but his eyes were twinkling at them from right next door.

"Potter," Snape sneered when Harry met his eyes.

"But, Albus," McGonagall said.

"I believe–just this once–we should allow these two to return home," he smiled down at Harry and Ginny. "I presume Mr. Weasley and Ms. Granger will be coming up here later today?" he said peering knowingly at them over his half-moon spectacles.

"Er, yeah," Harry said.

Dumbledore nodded knowingly.

"Albus–you don't expect me to–"

"Of course you, being the current Headmistress at this fine establishment, have the complete choice of whether or not these students are allowed to return home. And I, being a late Headmaster of this fine establishment, can do nothing but give suggestions."

"Alright Potter," McGonagall said after a moment, turning back to face them. "You and Ms. Weasley may return home just this once," she said sternly as Harry and Ginny beamed.

"And Ron and Hermione–?"

"Will be meeting you at the Burrow later this evening."

"You will let us come back to Hogwarts, won't you?" Harry asked.

McGonagall smiled, "Yes, Potter, you will be allowed to return."

"Oh, thank you, Professor!" Ginny exclaimed and ran around the desk and hugged her. McGonagall started in surprise and after recovering, awkwardly patted Ginny on the back. Harry had to laugh and even Snape's mouth curled into a sincere grin.

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